Worship & Prayer

November 2021 – Expect the Unexpected

Dear Friend in Christ: We live in amazing times and so much of what we encounter is unexpected. Recently, I boarded a plane that would take me back home. The plane was full except for the seat beside me. Then a young woman came and sat in the seat beside. [...]

October 2021 – The Ark of Faith

Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are having a blessed Autumn. This month, I want to look at a familiar Bible story, and draw some lessons that can encourage us in this season of storms and uncharted waters … uncharted by us, but known well by God. How do. [...]

September 2021 – The Courage of Jesus

Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are well. Oftentimes, we are tested on the message we preach.  And so it has been this month as I have been preparing this message.  I will say, with great gratitude, that God has been faithful to bring us through “many dangers, toils,. [...]

August 2021 – The World’s Most Expensive Stew

Dear Friend in Christ: You are often in our prayers, and we trust you are finding God’s grace in this season. He is our hope, in times of ease or difficulty. I am struck by the urgency of the hour in which we live. Creation itself is groaning and crying. [...]

July 2021 – Courage in Hard Places

Dear Friend in Christ: My two previous pastoral letters were about the Beatitudes—attitudes that bring favor in hard places.  In this letter I want to discuss courage.  Courage is not manifest in easy times; it is revealed in hard places.  Our Lord was courageous, and courage is contagious! He is. [...]

June 2021 Favor In Hard Places – Part 2

Dear Friend in Christ: My previous letter began a two-part series on the Beatitudes (Beautiful attitudes) from Matthew chapter 5:1-16. In that letter, we examined the poor in spirit, grief over our condition, meekness and hungering for righteousness (see verses 1-6). This letter will give a brief examination of verses. [...]

May 2021 Favor in Hard Places Part 1

Dear Friend in Christ: When the Lord leads us to a passage, it is not merely academic; His guidance is always preparatory. Back in February, I tried to cover Matthew 5:1-16 in one letter; I could not. In fact, books could be and have been written, but these are mostly. [...]

April 2021 – Hearing God

Greetings from Mobile, Alabama, the “Azalea City,” where Springtime is upon us, the flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing, and great clouds of pollen dance merrily upon the morning breezes. We hope all is well with you as you receive this letter. For so many, we know this remains. [...]

March 2021 – The Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

  As I write to you this month, we continue to see tremendous turmoil around the world. Here in the United States, extreme weather and the persistence of the COVID pandemic have brought misery and death to many. A turbulent social climate and tense divisions have sapped the energies of. [...]

What Will the Righteous Do?

Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2021 Dear Friend in Christ: Psalm 11 raises an important question: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). The verse prior tells us that the righteous are under attack. So, not only are the foundations removed, but those who stand up on. [...]

The Power of Humility

Publication:Pastoral Letter, January 2021 Happy New Year! From all of us at CSM, we thank you for your love, faithfulness, and prayers in 2020. We pray the Lord will sustain, guide, and refresh you as we enter 2021. Years ago, I learned that we would be tested on what we. [...]

A New Song For A New Day

Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: Grace and peace to you in the Name of the Lord! We are nearing the end of one of the most tumultuous and challenging years in recent history. Recently, I was thinking about 2020, and I said to myself, “This has been. [...]