Tag Archives: focus

January 2024 The One Thing

Dear Friend in Christ: Happy New Year!  If you’re like me, it’s taking some time to get used to writing “2024” on your documents. The Latin phrase “Tempus Fugit” is often translated into English as “time flies,” but literally means, “time escapes.” The older I get, the faster time seems to. [...]

January 2022 – Running the Race Ahead

Dear Friend in Christ: We are facing a New Year and a new opportunity to grow; to have a better life whatever the future holds. I join you in praying for a joyful 2022! Let’s kick off this letter with a quick lesson from the world of football. The year. [...]

June 2021 Favor In Hard Places – Part 2

Dear Friend in Christ: My previous letter began a two-part series on the Beatitudes (Beautiful attitudes) from Matthew chapter 5:1-16. In that letter, we examined the poor in spirit, grief over our condition, meekness and hungering for righteousness (see verses 1-6). This letter will give a brief examination of verses. [...]

May 2021 Favor in Hard Places Part 1

Dear Friend in Christ: When the Lord leads us to a passage, it is not merely academic; His guidance is always preparatory. Back in February, I tried to cover Matthew 5:1-16 in one letter; I could not. In fact, books could be and have been written, but these are mostly. [...]

Watch the Eyes

Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope you’ve had a wonderful Summer. I want to talk this month about eyes; our eyes, others’ eyes, and even God’s eyes. We all know that eyes give sight, but they also do much more that is vital. I want to. [...]

Ride the Wild Surf!

Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you had a wonderful Summer! Thank you so much for your friendship, support, and prayer for this ministry. This month, I want to share something with you that I pray will encourage you during these tumultuous times. Is it possible. [...]

Mind Control

Publication:Pastoral Letter,July 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A man walks into a pet store and sees the owner with his finger in the aquarium. “What are you doing?” the man asks. The owner replies, “I am using mind control on these fish; see, they are swimming around my finger.” The. [...]

The House of God

Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2015 Dear Friend in Christ: I grew up thinking of the church building as the “House of God”. When I was young, it was the place that I often got into trouble and received numerous spankings for misbehavior. Often, I dreaded going to the House of. [...]

Waiting Passive or Patient?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2009 Dear Friend in Christ: Many people across the world are praying for revival, and some are experiencing it. For those of us who are waiting, I want to address the subject of how we wait. Is patience the same as passivity? Certainly not. God is. [...]

Regain the Prophetic Call

Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2008 Dear Friend in Christ: In these days, disciples of Jesus Christ face some vitally important questions, and I want to address some of these in this letter; where should we be going in order to be true followers of Jesus? How vital is it that. [...]

Here’s to the Crown

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2008 Dear Friend in Christ: Perhaps this should be a book instead of a letter, but I pray that I can deliver the message in this brief form. My desire is to encourage you to get to the place of victorious joy; what’s more, I believe. [...]

Bringing Sons to Glory

Publication: Pastoral Letter, January 2008 Dear Friend in Christ: I recently attended a memorial service for a woman who had been a teacher for many years.One of those who brought the eulogy was a woman who had become a vital Christian and a very successful performer. Her remarks concerned the. [...]

By charles-simpson January 1, 2008 Categories: Leadership Pastoral Letters