Tag Archives: trust

November 2023 The Lord is My Light

Dear Friend in Christ: Grace and peace to you. These blessings seem all the more precious to us in these days. There is no need for me to give a recitation of the grim news headlines, but if there was ever a time in my lifetime where we need a. [...]

August 2023 – This is My Story

THIS IS MY STORY Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you and yours well—and staying cool! Mobile in August is like a steamy hot sauna. I try to remind myself that some folks pay good money to experience what we get for free! This month, I am. [...]

JULY 2023 – Diagnosis

Dear Friend in Christ: When facing sickness or disease, how serious is proper and early diagnosis? For many people in many cases, it is matter of life or death. My dear and beautiful wife passed away due to a faulty diagnosis. The true diagnosis came too late at stage 4. [...]

February 2023 – Return to Your First Love

Dear Friend in Christ: John, the beloved friend and disciple of Jesus, had faithfully preached the Gospel for many years after Jesus ascended into heaven. He was finally exiled to the small Mediterranean island of Patmos. While John is there in prayer, the Lord Jesus appears to John in a. [...]

October 2021 – The Ark of Faith

Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are having a blessed Autumn. This month, I want to look at a familiar Bible story, and draw some lessons that can encourage us in this season of storms and uncharted waters … uncharted by us, but known well by God. How do. [...]

August 2021 – The World’s Most Expensive Stew

Dear Friend in Christ: You are often in our prayers, and we trust you are finding God’s grace in this season. He is our hope, in times of ease or difficulty. I am struck by the urgency of the hour in which we live. Creation itself is groaning and crying. [...]

March 2021 – The Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

  As I write to you this month, we continue to see tremendous turmoil around the world. Here in the United States, extreme weather and the persistence of the COVID pandemic have brought misery and death to many. A turbulent social climate and tense divisions have sapped the energies of. [...]

What Will the Righteous Do?

Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2021 Dear Friend in Christ: Psalm 11 raises an important question: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). The verse prior tells us that the righteous are under attack. So, not only are the foundations removed, but those who stand up on. [...]

Principles For Crisis

Publication:Pastoral Letter, May 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are well and at peace. During this season of global crisis, we all need perspective and guidance; that is what I have been seeking from the Lord. Recently, I listened to a podcast featuring my friend Rex Miller, who. [...]

Our Refuge

Publication:Pastoral Letter, April 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: I often open my letters with a greeting: “I pray this letter finds you well.” I mean it sincerely every time, but I wish I could convey the depth of my heart when I say it to you now. Wherever you are. [...]


Publication:Pastoral Letter, January 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: It is a New Year and I pray that it will be a great one for you! Yesterday is past; the future is not yet here, and today is the transition from yesterday to tomorrow. We are on a journey, sojourners in. [...]

Good or Evil

Publication:Pastoral Letter, May 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: I enjoy tending the shrubbery in our back yard which blooms and brings beauty into our lives. The shrubbery is good and beautiful. But I have noticed that sometimes an evil, thorny vine will grow up right in the middle of a. [...]