Dear Friend in Christ: My previous letter began a two-part series on the Beatitudes (Beautiful attitudes) from Matthew chapter 5:1-16. In that letter, we examined the poor in spirit, grief over our condition, meekness and hungering for righteousness (see verses 1-6). This letter will give a brief examination of verses. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: When the Lord leads us to a passage, it is not merely academic; His guidance is always preparatory. Back in February, I tried to cover Matthew 5:1-16 in one letter; I could not. In fact, books could be and have been written, but these are mostly. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, March 2020 Dear Friends, We live in a culture of accusation; false charges intended to bring harm and destruction to others. This problem has existed since the Garden of Eden when the enemy of God and of us accused God to Eve. While it is not new, it. [...]