Dear Friend in Christ: I pray that you have a very blessed New Year! As we begin 2023, I want to share some personal testimonies and insights with you, which I trust will encourage you in the season ahead. Battles and blessings do not appear to belong in the same. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are doing well. Soon, Christians worldwide will be celebrating the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus Christ to send His Holy Spirit to His followers. Pentecost occurs 50 days after the Resurrection of Jesus. The number 50 represents “Jubilee,” a time when captives. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: Give me liberty ... Or? I pray you are well. As I write to you this month, there are some very serious matters I want to prayerfully address in the hopes that together we can find God’s wisdom and courage to face what lies ahead. My. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: We are facing a New Year and a new opportunity to grow; to have a better life whatever the future holds. I join you in praying for a joyful 2022! Let’s kick off this letter with a quick lesson from the world of football. The year. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are having a blessed Autumn. This month, I want to look at a familiar Bible story, and draw some lessons that can encourage us in this season of storms and uncharted waters … uncharted by us, but known well by God. How do. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are well. Oftentimes, we are tested on the message we preach. And so it has been this month as I have been preparing this message. I will say, with great gratitude, that God has been faithful to bring us through “many dangers, toils,. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, July 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: These are indeed serious times that present us with great controversy and too much chaos. How we respond to events in our nation and world is very important. Trusting the Lord for help, I will offer some ways to respond. Remember, spiritual. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, May 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are well and at peace. During this season of global crisis, we all need perspective and guidance; that is what I have been seeking from the Lord. Recently, I listened to a podcast featuring my friend Rex Miller, who. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, April 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: I often open my letters with a greeting: “I pray this letter finds you well.” I mean it sincerely every time, but I wish I could convey the depth of my heart when I say it to you now. Wherever you are. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, March 2020 Dear Friends, We live in a culture of accusation; false charges intended to bring harm and destruction to others. This problem has existed since the Garden of Eden when the enemy of God and of us accused God to Eve. While it is not new, it. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: Let me begin this special pastoral letter with a true story about a man named Henry. In the mid nineteenth century, he lived with his wife, Frances, and their five children, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Tragedy struck this family in 1861, when an. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2019 Dear Friends, I have been privileged to grow up among Christians and to minister in a wide variety of churches, from house churches to megachurches, in numerous denominations and cultures, in the United States and abroad. I have literally traveled millions of miles. No, I am. [...]