Tag Archives: anxiety

January 2022 – Running the Race Ahead

Dear Friend in Christ: We are facing a New Year and a new opportunity to grow; to have a better life whatever the future holds. I join you in praying for a joyful 2022! Let’s kick off this letter with a quick lesson from the world of football. The year. [...]

April 2021 – Hearing God

Greetings from Mobile, Alabama, the “Azalea City,” where Springtime is upon us, the flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing, and great clouds of pollen dance merrily upon the morning breezes. We hope all is well with you as you receive this letter. For so many, we know this remains. [...]

What Will the Righteous Do?

Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2021 Dear Friend in Christ: Psalm 11 raises an important question: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). The verse prior tells us that the righteous are under attack. So, not only are the foundations removed, but those who stand up on. [...]

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2007 Dear Friend in Christ: Moses had the Red Sea before him and the Egyptian army coming up behind him. What to do? The disciples were out on a raging sea; Jesus was asleep in the boat. What to do? We are all faced with situations. [...]