Dear Friend in Christ: John, the beloved friend and disciple of Jesus, had faithfully preached the Gospel for many years after Jesus ascended into heaven. He was finally exiled to the small Mediterranean island of Patmos. While John is there in prayer, the Lord Jesus appears to John in a. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: In my September 2022 Pastoral Letter, I shared with you a miracle that happened when I visited Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus in the former Soviet Union in late 1991. On that mission journey, the Holy Spirit profoundly wrote these words of Jesus upon my heart: “Then. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: “I was overwhelmed by the needs I saw, almost to the point of despair. And then, a miracle happened.” In November of 1991, I made the first of two mission trips to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. The people in each place found a place deep within. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are doing well. Soon, Christians worldwide will be celebrating the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus Christ to send His Holy Spirit to His followers. Pentecost occurs 50 days after the Resurrection of Jesus. The number 50 represents “Jubilee,” a time when captives. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: My previous letter began a two-part series on the Beatitudes (Beautiful attitudes) from Matthew chapter 5:1-16. In that letter, we examined the poor in spirit, grief over our condition, meekness and hungering for righteousness (see verses 1-6). This letter will give a brief examination of verses. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: When the Lord leads us to a passage, it is not merely academic; His guidance is always preparatory. Back in February, I tried to cover Matthew 5:1-16 in one letter; I could not. In fact, books could be and have been written, but these are mostly. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: Let me begin this special pastoral letter with a true story about a man named Henry. In the mid nineteenth century, he lived with his wife, Frances, and their five children, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Tragedy struck this family in 1861, when an. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: In these beginning weeks of 2019, the Lord has reminded me of the power of His Word. We hear a lot today about “Fake News”, and there certainly is a lot of that coming at us non-stop from so many different directions.. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, January 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: It is a New Year and I pray that it will be a great one for you! Yesterday is past; the future is not yet here, and today is the transition from yesterday to tomorrow. We are on a journey, sojourners in. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,November 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Reality is more than we see; it is more than our five senses tell us, much more! If that is true, and I believe it is, we should want to find reality, and where it is. That is the vital issue that I. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,June 2017 I pray you are having a great Summer thus far! Whatever time or season we are in, I’m thankful for God’s Sovereign grace and the leadership of His Holy Spirit, and also for your friendship to this ministry. You are unique; the Lord Himself created you with. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,April 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A few days ago I attended a funeral; it was my second one that day. The first one I conducted for an 85-year-old woman that I had known since 1957. She had Alzheimer’s and had been prepared for her passing. The second funeral. [...]