Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are having a blessed Autumn. This month, I want to look at a familiar Bible story, and draw some lessons that can encourage us in this season of storms and uncharted waters … uncharted by us, but known well by God. How do. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! Last month, I wrote to you about “Light for Life.” It doesn’t take a prophet to see the darkness, but it does take God’s grace for us to see the light in the midst. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,November 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Reality is more than we see; it is more than our five senses tell us, much more! If that is true, and I believe it is, we should want to find reality, and where it is. That is the vital issue that I. [...]