THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD — PART TWO Dear Friend in Christ: Happy July! This month, we’re continuing our journey through 2 Chronicles 20 on the theme, “The Battle Belongs to the Lord.” Last month, we were reminded that anytime we try to do the right thing, our spiritual. [...]
May 2024 THE PROMISED LAND Dear Friend in Christ: On behalf of our Simpson family and the Charles Simpson Ministries CSM Publishing family, I want to thank you for your continued prayers and financial support for us as we move through this season of grief and transition following the death. [...]
April 2024 THE SECRET PLACE Dear Friend in Christ: Our family and ministry team send love and gratitude to you. We deeply appreciate your love, prayer, and support for us in these days as we grieve the passing of my father, Pastor Charles Simpson. Your very kind calls, texts, messages,. [...]
THE NEXT THING Dear Friend in Christ: It’s hard to believe we’re already more than a full month into 2024. You’ve been in our hearts and prayers. What I’d like to do this month is to follow up on some thoughts we were developing in last month’s Pastoral Letter, “The One. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: This month, I want to open Scripture and my heart about unconditional love and presence. To do so, I want to talk a little bit about our family dog, Sparty, who sadly passed away a few days ago at age 13 after a wonderful life. Can. [...]
THIS IS MY STORY Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you and yours well—and staying cool! Mobile in August is like a steamy hot sauna. I try to remind myself that some folks pay good money to experience what we get for free! This month, I am. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: When facing sickness or disease, how serious is proper and early diagnosis? For many people in many cases, it is matter of life or death. My dear and beautiful wife passed away due to a faulty diagnosis. The true diagnosis came too late at stage 4. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: Wisdom is a matter of life or death. I’m so thankful for parents, grandparents, pastors, and mentors who not only modeled wisdom, but taught me from an early age to pursue wisdom. Their foundation for wisdom was God’s Word and His Holy Spirit. Look at just. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are doing well. Soon, Christians worldwide will be celebrating the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus Christ to send His Holy Spirit to His followers. Pentecost occurs 50 days after the Resurrection of Jesus. The number 50 represents “Jubilee,” a time when captives. [...]
We Will Remember Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you and your loved ones are well and having a good year so far. Springtime is almost here in Mobile, and we are looking forward to the explosion of colors that come with the blooming azaleas and dogwoods that are so. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: We deeply appreciate your friendship to this ministry and pray all is well with you. Let’s look together at why worship is an essential part of our lives. We were created by God to worship Him and enjoy fellowship with Him forever (see Westminster Catechism, 1647).. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: We live in amazing times and so much of what we encounter is unexpected. Recently, I boarded a plane that would take me back home. The plane was full except for the seat beside me. Then a young woman came and sat in the seat beside. [...]