Publication:Pastoral Letter,May 2017 Dear Friend in Christ, I am writing this letter during Easter weekend; of course, you are receiving it a few weeks later. But, as I’ve been meditating on Jesus’ Resurrection, I am struck by how timely these truths always will be. The Cross and the Resurrection are. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,April 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A few days ago I attended a funeral; it was my second one that day. The first one I conducted for an 85-year-old woman that I had known since 1957. She had Alzheimer’s and had been prepared for her passing. The second funeral. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,March 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope this letter finds you well. It’s an honor for me to share with you this month some thoughts regarding vision; that is, to see spiritually, “beyond the obvious”. This is a vital need, especially in these times. The Lord has given. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,February 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Many years ago, my father said, “Too often we are reactionary. We wait to see what the enemy does and then react to it. Instead, we should act upon what the Lord says, then let the enemy react.” At the time he said. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,January 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Happy New Year from all of us at CSM! We pray you had a wonderful Christmas. As we enter 2017, I want to give a word of revelation that I hope will be an encouragement to you in these uncertain times. It starts. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,December 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you well. This month, it is my honor to write this Pastoral Letter to you on behalf of my father, Charles Simpson, and all of us here at CSM Publishing. I have some very Good News to share. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,November 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: We really do not know ourselves until we are tested, when it is “crunch time”; what we do when the odds are against us and the stakes are high. The sports world applauds a team or individual who is down but does not. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: I cannot think of a more important subject for this time than TRUTH. It is vital for each of us to ask these four questions regarding truth:Â Can I be deceived? Have I been deceived? What are the consequences of deception?. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2016 Dear Friends, Greetings in the Lord! I want to describe what I believe that the Lord is saying to me and pray that it will be useful to you. Together, let’s look at the contrast between “big” and “small”. Certainly, big enterprises have a lot. [...]
Most of us have ideas about what it means to be a pastor. Even if you’re not a pastor, you probably have some idea about what it means to be a pastor. But not so many have thought about what it means to be a sheep of a pastor. As. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: Thank you for praying for our annual CSM Gatlinburg Conference. It was a wonderful time in the Lord focusing on the “Unshakable” reality of Christ’s Kingdom in shaking times. The testimonies we heard were inspiring and instructive. In this letter, I. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2016 Dear Friends, I want to address what I believe is the biggest hindrance to a great revival. We see it in chapter 4 of James where the apostle is writing to scattered Jewish believers, and asks a very important question: “Where do wars and fights. [...]