Tag Archives: GENESIS


June 2022 BACK TO BETHEL Dear Friend in Christ: God can deal with our sin, but what He will not accept is us being dishonest about our sin. My purpose in this letter is to point out from the scripture how God has dealt with sin and sinners, even after. [...]

Collaborate or Isolate?

Publication:Pastoral Letter,February 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Many years ago, my father said, “Too often we are reactionary. We wait to see what the enemy does and then react to it.  Instead, we should act upon what the Lord says, then let the enemy react.”  At the time he said. [...]

Cause And Consequences

Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2000 Dear Friend in Christ: Age and open-heart surgery have focused my attention more on eternal issues, and less on temporal issues that once consumed my thoughts. Even as I think more about eternal issues, it seems that our society is becoming more focused on trivial circumstantial. [...]