Tag Archives: persecuted

March 2021 – The Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

  As I write to you this month, we continue to see tremendous turmoil around the world. Here in the United States, extreme weather and the persistence of the COVID pandemic have brought misery and death to many. A turbulent social climate and tense divisions have sapped the energies of. [...]

When In Rome

Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: We pray all is well with you and yours thus far in 2020. In this letter, I want to give some insights about how we can be bright lights in a dark world. Some may see our circumstances as daunting, but in. [...]


Publication:Pastoral Letter,November 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Reality is more than we see; it is more than our five senses tell us, much more! If that is true, and I believe it is, we should want to find reality, and where it is. That is the vital issue that I. [...]