
Love and Marriage

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2012 DON’T BE A BRIDEZILLA OR A GROOMASAURUS! About marriage, the classic song says, “It’s an institute you can’t disparage!” And yet, the institution of marriage at large, and numerous individual marriages, are indeed under tremendous attack today. Marriage is often mocked as untenable,. [...]

That’s My Wife!

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2011 AN UNFORGETABLE LESSON IN HONOR At age 12, I was so much smarter than I am now. Having discovered, at that age, cigarettes, beer, Playboy, and chewing tobacco, I had become a debonair man of the world; a seasoned adventurer with little time. [...]

Blessing Your City…An Interview with Kevin Miller

by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2011 Foothills Christian Church, just outside of San Diego, CA, is an unusual church by today's standards. I don't know of many other churches that are so creatively and effectively reaching youth and, indeed, its entire community. How many churches do you know are. [...]

Apples of Gold

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2011 WHAT WE SAY TO OUR CHILDREN IS A LIFE AND DEATH MATTER Every night for the past few weeks, I have sat clown and written a love note to my daughter, Gracie, who is studying in Italy this semester. By the time she. [...]

Apprehending Customer Service and What Comes with It

by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2011 Recently, as a frustrated consumer trying to get information, I found a customer service representative who wore a shirt that read: “Just ask.” “Great!” I thought. My source for answers are right here, clearly identified. But my question was met with a look. [...]

How’s Your Horsie

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2010 RELEASING THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS IN YOUR HOME When our daughter, Gracie, was around three years old, I heard my Dad talking about how John and Charles Wesley learned to pray "The Lord's Prayer" as soon as they could talk. Their mother, Susanna,. [...]

The Possum in the Road

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2010 ...IT WAS NOT THE TYPICAL WAY TO CELEBRATE A SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY WARNING: Graphic story. Do not read while eating. Especially if eating marsupials. Also, do not read if you are offended by my incorrect spelling of “possum". In our family, relaxation is. [...]

Extending Family

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2010 BRIDGES ARE BUILT FROM BOTH SIDES I consider myself a young man, although when you are older than many of your doctors, that's a sign that you are not as young as you think you are. While I am not totally "over the. [...]

Shelter in the Storm

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2009 ...FULFILLING OUR CALL IN THIS GENERATION The wind-whipped gray mist enveloped our boat and danced with the salty spray blown from the tops of chocolate-colored waves. Shallow Mobile Bay was being roiled by a wild waterspout and we were right in the middle. [...]

Turning the Hearts of Fathers

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2009 GLOBAL REDEMPTION STARTS AT HOME The last word in the Old Testament is "curse." How sobering to think that what began with such promise "in the beginning," had come to a place where man's sin brought great strife-division between God and man, division. [...]

Life at the Office

by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2009 TRANSFORMING YOUR WORK CULTURE From television sitcoms to big screen suspense thrillers, we are captivated by watching work cultures as we temporarily escape our own. America's interest in working environments has not diminished since Mary Tyler Moore and WKRP, to today's so-called reality. [...]

The Return of the Turtle

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2009 WHY ENCOURAGEMENT IS CONTAGIOUS I love getting presents, especially surprise presents at surprise times. So imagine my joy on a recent January Sunday when I received a box wrapped festively with an accompanying message that my sermons had been encouraging to one of. [...]