Tag Archives: perseverance

August 2022 – An Indestructible Investment

Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I was having lunch with a close Pastor friend in another city. We were talking about another brother in the Lord, and what a tremendous blessing that brother is to so many people. This pastor friend shared how, more than 25 years ago, the Lord. [...]

Angels Unaware

Publication:Pastoral Letter,August 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Several months ago, my friend, author Keith Hueftle, sent me his new book entitled The Hesed Factor. Keith is a very intelligent Bible scholar and retired minister. The book was on the subject of covenant, a subject which interests both of us. In. [...]

Triumph Through Transition

Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2008 Dear Friend in Christ: Here are questions to consider: Are we in a permanent transition? Will things be in a state of constant change? If so, can we not just survive but be “more than conquerors” in times of instability? Is the Lord using change. [...]

Vision Focused Forward with John David Booty

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2007 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA QUARTERBACK JOHN DAVID BOOTY ON THE VALUE OF INTEGRITY, HARD WORK, FAITH, AND FAMILY   In the Autumn 1999 issue of One-to-One magazine, we featured two brothers who were playing football together for Louisiana State University, Josh and Abram. [...]

By stephen-simpson September 1, 2007 Categories: Leadership One-to-One Relationships

Like a Soldier

Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2007 Dear Friend in Christ: You may not believe this, but I recently watched an episode of “American Idol.” (I did so under duress!) I will not go into all of my reasons for watching, but it was informative. Because of the show’s great popularity, we. [...]