Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are having a blessed Summer! I believe that life is defined by our response to God, His Word, and His Son, Jesus. We are accountable for that choice. That choice will determine the choices we make throughout life. In. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, July 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: We live in times when it seems that anger and vindictiveness are becoming social norms in many places. Its affecting families, friendships, neighbors, and even churches. Personal peace seems to be more elusive; stress and strife often lurk around the corner. Is. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, April 2018 Dear Friend in Christ, I pray this letter finds you well and enjoying a blessed Springtime! I believe this Pastoral Letter is especially timely, and trust you will find it inspiring. Let me say that my purpose is not to criticize but to stimulate us to. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, March 2018 Dear Friends, I love the Word of God for so many reasons but primarily because I believe it is the Word of God and therefore it is true. It doesn’t gloss over the “nasty stuff” or deny us the great stuff. It gives us amazing promises,. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: I began the New Year reading the book of Genesis, the book of “beginnings.” The principles that played out in Genesis run through the entire Bible. Among those principles is God’s purpose for the entire world. One aspect of His purpose is. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,December 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A few days ago, I sat with two close friends talking about the things of God, and the subject of light came up. I had been thinking about light as it related to the birth of Jesus. I find this a most intriguing. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,November 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Reality is more than we see; it is more than our five senses tell us, much more! If that is true, and I believe it is, we should want to find reality, and where it is. That is the vital issue that I. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,August 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Several months ago, my friend, author Keith Hueftle, sent me his new book entitled The Hesed Factor. Keith is a very intelligent Bible scholar and retired minister. The book was on the subject of covenant, a subject which interests both of us. In. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,June 2017 I pray you are having a great Summer thus far! Whatever time or season we are in, I’m thankful for God’s Sovereign grace and the leadership of His Holy Spirit, and also for your friendship to this ministry. You are unique; the Lord Himself created you with. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,May 2017 Dear Friend in Christ, I am writing this letter during Easter weekend; of course, you are receiving it a few weeks later. But, as I’ve been meditating on Jesus’ Resurrection, I am struck by how timely these truths always will be. The Cross and the Resurrection are. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,April 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A few days ago I attended a funeral; it was my second one that day. The first one I conducted for an 85-year-old woman that I had known since 1957. She had Alzheimer’s and had been prepared for her passing. The second funeral. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,March 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope this letter finds you well. It’s an honor for me to share with you this month some thoughts regarding vision; that is, to see spiritually, “beyond the obvious”. This is a vital need, especially in these times. The Lord has given. [...]