Watch the Eyes

Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope you’ve had a wonderful Summer. I want to talk this month about eyes; our eyes, others’ eyes, and even God’s eyes. We all know that eyes give sight, but they also do much more that is vital. I want to. [...]

A Matter of Choice

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2014 ...How to Make Good Decisions in Trying Times How much freedom do we have? One measure of freedom is the ability to choose. The more choices, the more freedom. When choices are narrowed, freedom is lost. We do not fully appreciate our freedom. [...]

Cause And Consequences

Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2000 Dear Friend in Christ: Age and open-heart surgery have focused my attention more on eternal issues, and less on temporal issues that once consumed my thoughts. Even as I think more about eternal issues, it seems that our society is becoming more focused on trivial circumstantial. [...]