Tag Archives: danger

Watch the Eyes

Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope you’ve had a wonderful Summer. I want to talk this month about eyes; our eyes, others’ eyes, and even God’s eyes. We all know that eyes give sight, but they also do much more that is vital. I want to. [...]

Christians and Islam

Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: Please read this entire letter and make copies for your Christian friends. I have just returned from The Netherlands, where I ministered to approximately 1000 leaders from 25 Muslim-dominated nations across the world. Many of these leaders are ethnically Iranian and. [...]

Lessons from Psalm 27

Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: I trust that this letter finds you and yours well. We are in a most significant season as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus and as we come into a new millennium. Now, more than ever, we need. [...]

Finding Security in Changing Times

Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: The next six months will be very significant; we are facing both a century change and a millennial change. The debates are well underway as to just how much change there will be. Some say none - others say that the. [...]