Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2019 Dear Friends, I have been privileged to grow up among Christians and to minister in a wide variety of churches, from house churches to megachurches, in numerous denominations and cultures, in the United States and abroad. I have literally traveled millions of miles. No, I am. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, January 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: It is a New Year and I pray that it will be a great one for you! Yesterday is past; the future is not yet here, and today is the transition from yesterday to tomorrow. We are on a journey, sojourners in. [...]
This year’s testimony of Joseph Bondarenko at the Gatlinburg conference reminded me of Peter and John. As I listened to Bondarenko describe how the KGB paraded him in front of an assembly of his fellow college students and told him to choose between God and a diploma, I thought of. [...]
According to CNN, at least 69 lives were taken in Lahore, Pakistan this past Easter Sunday after a bomb exploded in a public park. The bomb, intending to kill many Christians, also injured more than 341 men, women and children. This is a tragedy to not only the city of. [...]
As I mentioned in the most recent issue of ONE-TO-ONE Magazine, I wear an orange wrist band that says “Embracing the Truth with Our Lives”. Those simple words are our mission here at CSM, and the band serves as a constant reminder of our brothers and sisters around the world. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2015 Dear Friend In Christ, I have long believed that I have attention deficit disorder, A.D.D. (among other issues). I am easily distracted. A.D.D. is a common problem that likely carries over into our spiritual lives. And I think that also is an epidemic in our. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2015 Responding to the worldwide persecution of Christians They were marched forcefully to the water’s edge by masked terrorists. As these prisoners knelt in their distinctive orange jumpsuits, awaiting the savage sword of execution, the last word from their lips was, “Jesus”. This is. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2014 Dear Friend in Christ, It is no newsflash to say that in our world and in our churches, we are in a difficult time in history. Therefore, it is essential that we encourage ourselves and one another in the Lord as David did (see 1. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2007 Dear Friend in Christ: You may not believe this, but I recently watched an episode of “American Idol.” (I did so under duress!) I will not go into all of my reasons for watching, but it was informative. Because of the show’s great popularity, we. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: I grew up in a small, South Alabama community that could be grouped in several ways: White or black, wealthy or not, going to church or not. As a pastor’s son, I was especially aware of the latter group. Many church-going. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: Please read this entire letter and make copies for your Christian friends. I have just returned from The Netherlands, where I ministered to approximately 1000 leaders from 25 Muslim-dominated nations across the world. Many of these leaders are ethnically Iranian and. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the name of our Lord! I pray this letter finds you and yours well this month. The days in which we are living are definitely perilous, and the nations are in an uproar. In times like these, it’s good. [...]