Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2010 Dear Friend in Christ: Life presents us with storms, especially when seasons change, and the season is hanging. No,I do not refer to the arrival of spring. I am referring to a much greater and significant change in human history. The changes will be accompanied. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2010 Dear Friends: I want to share a word this month that I believe is a key for our freedom. Ephesians 4:26-27 says, “Be angry, do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.” This verse. [...]
by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2010 HOW APPLYING THE PATTERN OF JESUS’ LIFE BRINGS NEW LIFE TO AND THROUGH YOU In times of uncertainty and transition, people are looking for hope and direction. Churches often look around for models of church growth and effectiveness. The true model should be. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2009 Dear Friend in Christ: The Boy Scout motto is "Be Prepared." As a Scout, I was taught to be prepared for situations that might occur- I should have stayed in Scouting much longer! I was taught to be physically, mentally, and morally straight, and strong.. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2009 Dear Friend in Christ: When we cannot see the way ahead, there is The Way. So it was with the disciples in John chapters 14-16. Jesus had told them of unthinkable events that lay ahead, including His own Crucifixion, burial, and Resurrection. Added to that. [...]
by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2009 KNOWING THE DIFFERENCE IN KNOWING WHAT IS TRULY VALUABLE AND WHAT IS NOT We all invest; that is we exchange current resources for a future hope. We delay an immediate pleasure in order to receive a greater long term benefit. We may invest. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2009 Dear Friend in Christ: To follow Jesus, we must see beyond what seems so obvious to our natural eyes. The natural order is passing away and time flies, but eternity stands unchanged by the drifting clouds of circumstance. To successfully run our sometimes challenging race,. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2009 HOW TO MOVE FORWARD WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW THE WAY At our recent annual CSM Gatlinburg Conference, we encountered the transforming presence and power of God. In the months leading up to the conference, we were at times unsure of the thematic direction. [...]
by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2009 WHY SALVATION COMES IN OUR MOST DESPERATE HOURS Advice may be cheap, but success with God is costly. However, in the end it can be very rewarding. Everyone would like a few easy steps to fulfill their own dream, but in God's Kingdom,. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2009 Dear Friend in Christ: Many people across the world are praying for revival, and some are experiencing it. For those of us who are waiting, I want to address the subject of how we wait. Is patience the same as passivity? Certainly not. God is. [...]
by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2009 HOW TO WALK THE PATH THAT JESUS WALKED THAT LEADS TO GOD’S PURPOSE AND FAVOR To the natural mind, greatness and humility are in conflict. But to God, humility is the path to greatness. We need to grasp this lesson for many reasons. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, January 2009 Dear Friend in Christ: Happy New Year! In our upcoming issue of One-to-One Magazine, I’ve written an article about the humble Christ_the many ways that the Son of God exercised humility in order to reach the humble. In this letter, I want to focus on. [...]