Tag Archives: wait

November 2023 The Lord is My Light

Dear Friend in Christ: Grace and peace to you. These blessings seem all the more precious to us in these days. There is no need for me to give a recitation of the grim news headlines, but if there was ever a time in my lifetime where we need a. [...]

Waiting Passive or Patient?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2009 Dear Friend in Christ: Many people across the world are praying for revival, and some are experiencing it. For those of us who are waiting, I want to address the subject of how we wait. Is patience the same as passivity? Certainly not. God is. [...]

Preparing Before Action

Publication: Pastoral Letter, February 2004 Dear Friend in Christ: Preparation is vital to success. Whether in business, profession, adventure, or any other pursuit, success is not a matter of luck. We have all been “wished” a Happy New Year, or “wished” good health or have been the subject of other. [...]