Joy to the World

Publication:Pastoral Letter,December 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you well. This month, it is my honor to write this Pastoral Letter to you on behalf of my father, Charles [...]

By stephen-simpsonNovember 28, 2016

How to Vote

[taken from the Autumn 2016 issue of One-to-One] “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34) Soon, the United States will face a General Electio [...]

By stephen-simpsonNovember 2, 2016

Intolerance of Truth

The world does not tolerate truth and truth does not tolerate the world.  “The world hates me,” Jesus said, “because I testify of it that its deeds are evil” (John 7:7).  The world and truth [...]

By michael-petersOctober 31, 2016

Jesus Was Called a Friend of Sinners But He Didn’t Make Friends of Sinners

I realize the title of this blog runs across the grain of what many say about how we are to relate to the lost.  There’s a misconception of Jesus that says he made friends of sinners.  It sounds c [...]

By michael-petersOctober 25, 2016

The Heart Test

Publication:Pastoral Letter,November 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: We really do not know ourselves until we are tested, when it is “crunch time”; what we do when the odds are against us and th [...]

By charles-simpsonOctober 24, 2016


OceanFest on July 4th draws over 100,000 people who visit various booths along the Promenade in Long Branch, NJ. To be sure it is a festival of sorts. People come from the surrounding area as well as [...]

By ray-ciervoOctober 5, 2016

Jesus Rejected the Endorsement of a Respected Leader

[Part 13] All of us like to receive compliments especially from those we respect, but Jesus rejected the endorsement of a very respectable leader.  An endorsement rises above a compliment and give [...]

By michael-petersOctober 3, 2016


Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: I believe in miracles and believe that I have personally witnessed some miracles.  I am taking into account that you probably w [...]

By charles-simpsonSeptember 22, 2016

Gimme Some Truth

Information without insight is trivia. Rhetoric without reality is virtual vapor. Who do you trust? To whom are you listening? Who are your associates in your daily life or online? What do you read? W [...]

By stephen-simpsonSeptember 20, 2016

Jesus Did Not Endorse Caesar

[Part 12] During this political season it’s important to remember that Jesus did not endorse Caesar when he said, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things [...]

By michael-petersSeptember 14, 2016

Gender Identity Created by God

[Part 11] Pope Francis said this past week that it’s terrible for schools to tell children that they can choose their gender.  The choosing of gender is the logical development of separating gen [...]

By michael-petersSeptember 6, 2016

Values are not Commands to Jesus

[Part 10] We live in a world of values.  People voice their values, vote their values and join churches that reflect their values.  According to Alan Bloom, who wrote The Closing of the American Mi [...]

By michael-petersAugust 31, 2016