The Search

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: Thank you for praying for our annual CSM Gatlinburg Conference. It was a wonderful time in the Lord focusing on the “Unshakable [...]

By charles-simpsonMay 24, 2016

Truth Versus Cultural Labels

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: I grew up with lots of labels; there were racial, religious, political, geographic and all kinds of labels and stereotypes.  It has [...]

By charles-simpsonApril 26, 2016


Jerry Lee Lewis was a renegade rock and roller.  In 1957, he released “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On.”  It became a big hit.  Lewis did not intend to be prophetic in a spiritual sense, but h [...]

By charles-simpsonApril 25, 2016

Bombings in the Middle East

According to CNN, at least 69 lives were taken in Lahore, Pakistan this past Easter Sunday after a bomb exploded in a public park. The bomb, intending to kill many Christians, also injured more than 3 [...]

By victoria-g-simpsonApril 13, 2016

A Brief Look at Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is an all too real and prominent issue in today’s society. We tend to have this preconceived notion that human trafficking only exists in third world countries where the citizens a [...]

By victoria-g-simpsonApril 5, 2016

Spanning the length of the Tennessee/North Carolina border, the Smoky Mountains are home to some of the most undeniably beautiful sights in the Eastern United States. Nestled in the foothills of the T [...]

By victoria-g-simpsonMarch 30, 2016

Drawn From The Water

Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2016 Dear Friends, Late one cold and icy evening, a woman was driving home with her baby daughter strapped in her car seat. For some reason, the woman missed [...]

By charles-simpsonMarch 18, 2016

Impasse or Bypass?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2016 Dear Friends, I want to address what I believe is the biggest hindrance to a great revival. We see it in chapter 4 of James where the apostle is writing [...]

By charles-simpsonFebruary 24, 2016

Do You Love Me?

An elderly couple were lying in bed, the old gentleman was about asleep when his wife asked, “Do you love me? “I love you,” he replied, half asleep. “You used to hug me,” she said.  He g [...]

By victoria-g-simpsonFebruary 12, 2016

Project Orange

As I mentioned in the most recent issue of ONE-TO-ONE Magazine, I wear an orange wrist band that says “Embracing the Truth with Our Lives”.  Those simple words are our mission here at CSM, and th [...]

By stephen-simpsonFebruary 10, 2016

Real Leadership

The all-time greatest leader is Jesus, without question.  We who follow Him need to take another look at how He led and created other great leaders.  He prayed, He chose, He demonstrated, He taught, [...]

By charles-simpsonFebruary 4, 2016

The Offense Fence

Publication: Pastoral Letter, February 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: What I want to say in this letter is, “Get over it.”  Get over the fence of offense.  If we fail to get over offenses, we w [...]

By charles-simpsonJanuary 27, 2016