Publication:Pastoral Letter,November 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Reality is more than we see; it is more than our five senses tell us, much more! If that is true, and I believe it is, we should [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,October 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: I am writing this letter during the heart of Hurricane Season. The United States and the Caribbean Region have just suffered a ser [...]
"People worth following are hard to follow." ~ Brent Moseley 2011 Camp of Champions I think often of this profound insight from my friend Brent. We learn best and most when we are challenged, whe [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,September 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: I was in California a few weeks ago and my friend Cynthia Krueger gave me a book entitled Miracles by Eric Metaxas. Cynthia is marr [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,August 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: Several months ago, my friend, author Keith Hueftle, sent me his new book entitled The Hesed Factor. Keith is a very intelligent Bib [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,July 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A man walks into a pet store and sees the owner with his finger in the aquarium. “What are you doing?” the man asks. The owner replies, [...]
We are in a critical time as many are making strong and even violent efforts to silence voices that differ with the secular and politically correct positions on a host of issues. Conservative Christia [...]
"Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority as apostles to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name" (R [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,June 2017 I pray you are having a great Summer thus far! Whatever time or season we are in, I’m thankful for God’s Sovereign grace and the leadership of His Holy Spiri [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,May 2017 Dear Friend in Christ, I am writing this letter during Easter weekend; of course, you are receiving it a few weeks later. But, as I’ve been meditating on Jesus [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,April 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A few days ago I attended a funeral; it was my second one that day. The first one I conducted for an 85-year-old woman that I had known [...]