The Prophetic Journey

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2012 WHERE ARE WE GOING AND HOW CAN WE HELP EACH OTHER GET THERE? Early in my ministry, I spent a lot of time studying and preaching on prophe [...]

By charles-simpsonJuly 1, 2012

Every Life is Beautiful

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2012 OCTOBER BABY IS A POWERFUL FILM ABOUT HOW MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGMENT One of the most moving and significant films I’ve ever seen hit [...]

By stephen-simpsonJuly 1, 2012

Finding the Bottom Line

by Jonathan Simpson Publication: Ont-to-One, Summer 2012 MAKING THE LIFE IN YOUR BUSINESS…YOUR BUSINESS Everything proceeds out of relationship. Before anything else, there was the Father, So [...]

By jonathan-simpsonJuly 1, 2012

Out of Darkness

by Victoria G. Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2012 BREAKING THE CURSE OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING Mother Teresa once said, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can [...]

By victoria-g-simpsonJuly 1, 2012

Mercy Amid Judgement

Publication:Pastoral Letter, July 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: I am writing to you about a vital principle and paradox: mercy is revealed in judgment. I'll begin with a story that illustrates tha [...]

By charles-simpsonJuly 1, 2012

Who Do You Trust?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2012 Dear Friend in Christ, The most vital issue for us is where will we place our trust? Trust is confident assurance that the object of our confidence will p [...]

By charles-simpsonJune 1, 2012

Spread the Gospel

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: I want to address what I believe is the number one issue now for churches and all followers of Christ: spreading the Gospel through [...]

By charles-simpsonMay 1, 2012

Can These Bones Live?

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2012 A New Prophetic Wind is Blowing! Have you ever wondered what the apostle Paul meant when he told the Thessalonians, “Do not despise pro [...]

By stephen-simpsonApril 1, 2012

The Way Out

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2012 ...ESCAPING THE TRAP OF SELF AND LAUNCHING INTO SPIRIT-EMPOWERED MISSION It is a terrible thing to be trapped in a deteriorating situatio [...]

By charles-simpsonApril 1, 2012

Love and Marriage

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2012 DON’T BE A BRIDEZILLA OR A GROOMASAURUS! About marriage, the classic song says, “It’s an institute you can’t disparage!” And ye [...]

By stephen-simpsonApril 1, 2012

Servant Leadership: A Model You Can Stand On

by Angela Hough Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2012 Everyone is a leader in one role or another. You are influencing someone. Why would anyone want to be a servant leader? For true and lasting s [...]

By angela-houghApril 1, 2012

The 300

Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: Judges chapters 6-8 tells us the story of Gideon, a story that is very relevant to our lives and how we measure God's requirements [...]

By charles-simpsonApril 1, 2012