Three Dimensional Worldview of Jesus in a Two Dimensional World

[Part 4] The world sees a two dimensional worldview.  Jesus saw three dimensionally.  Worldview, just like every other view, is affected by the sight of the seer. I am near sighted in one eye [...]

By michael-petersJuly 19, 2016

Seven Questions and Seven Answers

Matt 16: 24--27 "Follow Me" Seven Questions 1) If salvation comes by repenting, believing and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord, what does it mean to "believe"? Is it a creed or does it mean to ac [...]

By charles-simpsonJuly 18, 2016

Jewish Mothers and the Worldview of Jesus

[Part 3] Worldview is the window you’re looking through not just the world you’re looking at.  A Biblical worldview looks at the world through the window of Jesus.  In other words, to have a [...]

By michael-petersJuly 5, 2016

Isolation or Vena Cava Heart Filter?

[Part 2] We left our heroes—Luke, Leia, and Han Solo—with the worshiping, childish, primitive, Freudian Ewoks.  Thankfully (a phrase not to be confused with thank God, which implies a personal [...]

By michael-petersJune 28, 2016

Will You Lead?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: July reminds us that the United States is a nation that was set free from political tyranny by leaders who were willing to give the [...]

By charles-simpsonJune 20, 2016

Only Ewoks Worship

[Part 1] Jesus prayed that God would not take us out of the world, but that He would keep us from “the evil one” (John 17:15).  How does that work when there are so many good movies with an em [...]

By michael-petersJune 20, 2016

What It Means to be a Sheep of a Pastor

Most of us have ideas about what it means to be a pastor.  Even if you’re not a pastor, you probably have some idea about what it means to be a pastor.  But not so many have thought about what it [...]

By michael-petersJune 17, 2016

Clearing the Hurdle of Maintenance to Multiplication

My daughter ran hurdles in high school until she face planted on one.  I don’t know if it was her front foot or back foot that got caught.  We weren’t there.  The paramedics called us while the [...]

By michael-petersJune 13, 2016

Here We Go Again

Here we go again. Sorry, that's a bit of exasperation. I read today about another Christian musician who has given up his faith because he discovered many things he had overlooked. So, here's another [...]

By csmadminJune 7, 2016

You Owe the Gospel to Them

    Recently I read that the killer of Kitty Genovese died in prison.  He was 81 years old.  She was 28 years old when he murdered her.  Many of us are not old enough to remember th [...]

By michael-petersJune 3, 2016

Didn’t See That Coming!

  Ouch! These are painful words. They’re some of the most painful words I’ve heard parents say. It is usually at the end of the story about how their teenage son or daughter walked away fr [...]

By csmadminMay 31, 2016

Unshakable Christians Shake the World

This year’s testimony of Joseph Bondarenko at the Gatlinburg conference reminded me of Peter and John.  As I listened to Bondarenko describe how the KGB paraded him in front of an assembly of his [...]

By michael-petersMay 24, 2016