Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: I cannot think of a more important subject for this time than TRUTH. It is vital for each of us to ask these four questions rega [...]
[Part 9] According to the worldview of Jesus, the Scripture is final in authority. He answered every temptation of Satan with a quote from Scripture. Three times Jesus said, “It is written” [...]
[Part 8] The third and final temptation of Christ in the wilderness was a blatant appeal to self-exaltation. Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would just worship him. Jesus [...]
[Part 7] Jesus responded to the temptation to prove who He was by saying, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test?” (Matthew 4:7). His identity was shaped by His relationship with the [...]
[Part 6] Inward view of self has replaced the soul in the postmodern person. People no longer talk of themselves as souls created in the image of God but as selves seeking fulfillment. This res [...]
[Part 5] Blind spots make us vulnerable. Cars come with cameras now to show what’s behind you and mirrors have been enlarged to show what’s on your side. Cameras and mirrors are there to pr [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2016 Dear Friends, Greetings in the Lord! I want to describe what I believe that the Lord is saying to me and pray that it will be useful to you. Together, l [...]
[Part 4] The world sees a two dimensional worldview. Jesus saw three dimensionally. Worldview, just like every other view, is affected by the sight of the seer. I am near sighted in one eye [...]
Matt 16: 24--27 "Follow Me" Seven Questions 1) If salvation comes by repenting, believing and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord, what does it mean to "believe"? Is it a creed or does it mean to ac [...]
[Part 3] Worldview is the window you’re looking through not just the world you’re looking at. A Biblical worldview looks at the world through the window of Jesus. In other words, to have a [...]
[Part 2] We left our heroes—Luke, Leia, and Han Solo—with the worshiping, childish, primitive, Freudian Ewoks. Thankfully (a phrase not to be confused with thank God, which implies a personal [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: July reminds us that the United States is a nation that was set free from political tyranny by leaders who were willing to give the [...]