Ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of orphans and single mothers in Costa Rica. Change the world of one child and you can change the world.
Helping missionaries and their families make eternal investments in the lives of people in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Western Europe, former Soviet countries, and the Middle East.
The Simpson family reaches out to other families in ministry, whether they be involved in missions, pastoral care, or worship leading, to offer encouragement and support.
CSM actively partners with organizations and individuals who are committed to stopping the modern scourge of slavery and trafficking around the world.
We are facing an urgent human rights crisis! Human trafficking, or modern slavery, exists in every state, and every sizable city…even in some small communities and rural areas. The victims are all around you, right now. These are children and adults being forced into commercial sex or labor through coercion. [...]
Human trafficking is an all too real and prominent issue in today’s society. We tend to have this preconceived notion that human trafficking only exists in third world countries where the citizens are undereducated and underprivileged. This is a grave misconception. Human trafficking is a real problem that occurs right. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2015 Dear Friend in Christ: The founders of the United States believed that God gave us two books, nature and the Bible, and that those books were in agreement, being written by the same Author. So they used both natural law and Judeo-Christian principles upon which to. [...]
The U.S. Department of State has issued their 2015 Trafficking in Persons report. We encourage you to review this report and get informed about trafficking in your area. Secretary of State, John F. Kerry, issued this statement, "The bottom line is that this is no time for complacency. Right now,. [...]
According to a recent Breakpoint Commentary by Eric Metaxas, the answer is yes. One father in China was spotted with his daughter handcuffed to himself due to the threat. An astonishing 70,000 children are kidnapped by gangs every year in China—70,000. This horrific number is fueled by a lack of. [...]
Recently, a family unpacking Halloween decorations discovered a hidden and desperate letter from one of the laborers who had made the decorations at a labor camp in China. The letter detailed the horrible conditions and abuses this prisoner and thousands of others were enduring and begged that the letter to. [...]
Victims of sex trafficking in the United States are growing in number. It's no longer just traffickers bringing women and girls from other countries – it involves recruitment of young women in your local schoolyard, mall, etc. According to a USA Today article, “no national statistics for the number of. [...]
Not all of us are able to physically rescue those being trafficked, but there are things each of us can do in the fight against sex trafficking. Pray Pray for current victims, for their protection and freedom. Pray for survivors of sex trafficking that they would find physical, emotional and. [...]
An article on the Huffington Post focuses on an aspect of fighting sex trafficking -- by holding men and boys accountable for helping end the horrific practice. According to the article, here are three ways men can help end the trafficking of women: 6. END SEX TOURISM Men in the. [...]
by Victoria G. Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2012 Human Slavery Starts With A Mindset You have probably participated in a form of human slavery. And so have I. We didn't mean to do it. But we are part of a culture which has a way of commodifying the human being. [...]
by Victoria G. Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2012 BREAKING THE CURSE OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING Mother Teresa once said, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” Considering the amount of pain that exists in the world, I’ve. [...]
by Victoria Grace Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2007 Like a warrior to a King, I will fight for you Like a servant to a Lord, I will care for you Like a child to a Father, I adore you Like a bride to a Groom, I wait for you But. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2006 HOW TO REACH THE WORLD WITHOUT LEAVING HOME! There is no such thing as MISSIONS. There is only one mission, and God gave it all to us. Missions is a word that brings a world of thoughts and challenges to mind, most of. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2006 ... HOW TO REACH “THE UNREACHABLE” BY GETTING OUT OF THE BOX We are privileged to live in the most prolific hour of the "mission" of Jesus' followers in history. However, much of the amazing expansion of the Gospel witness is coming in. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2006 ... A POSITIVE, PROACTIVE WORD FROM BEHIND THE LINES Many of you are aware that International Outreach Ministries has helped to launch an amazing Arabic language website. Did you know that we had 51,000 new visitors to our website in January? Since there. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 ...HOW TO COMPLETE THE GREAT COMMISSION WITH JOY God’s response to the need of humanity is a wonderful fragrance both in heaven and earth. The apostle Paul wrote, "Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 HOW DO NEW TESTAMENT BELIEVERS INVEST? You’ve heard the saying, “You can’t take it with you.” Money is a major theme in our culture, and competition for it comes in a cacophony of voices from every angle. Even though Christians can also get. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2005 In Congo, wars and government corruption have created a nation of “Have-nots.” While some minimal medical care is available, it is generally too little, too late, and much too far away. With virtually no roads, people often must walk more than 100 miles. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2005 … and How It Is for Today In Revelation 7:9, we read a prophetic word picture of staggering proportions: "After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from EVERY nation, tribe, people and language,. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Winter/Spring 2005 ...A brief look at some of the cutting edge, out of the box, global activity of the Most High God-Lord of Heaven and Earth Spiritually, some of the most amazing events in history are happening today! God is working global miracles to fulfill. [...]