Tag Archives: human trafficking

Stop Slavery Now

We are facing an urgent human rights crisis! Human trafficking, or modern slavery, exists in every state, and every sizable city…even in some small communities and rural areas. The victims are all around you, right now.  These are children and adults being forced into commercial sex or labor through coercion. [...]

A Brief Look at Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is an all too real and prominent issue in today’s society. We tend to have this preconceived notion that human trafficking only exists in third world countries where the citizens are undereducated and underprivileged. This is a grave misconception. Human trafficking is a real problem that occurs right. [...]

By victoria-g-simpson April 5, 2016 Categories: Stop Human Trafficking

Holding Men Accountable for Sex Trafficking

An article on the Huffington Post focuses on an aspect of fighting sex trafficking -- by holding men and boys accountable for helping end the horrific practice. According to the article, here are three ways men can help end the trafficking of women: 6. END SEX TOURISM Men in the. [...]

By csmadmin February 17, 2015 Categories: Stop Human Trafficking

Out of Darkness

by Victoria G. Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2012 BREAKING THE CURSE OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING Mother Teresa once said, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” Considering the amount of pain that exists in the world, I’ve. [...]