Foundations of Faith

The Infant Prophet

Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: As Christmas approaches I am happy to celebrate the greatest event in human history, the entrance of the Son of God into the world. He is the Word made flesh and the fulfillment of the words of the prophets. What does all. [...]

In Search of Church

Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: People often ask me to recommend a church in their area. While our magazine, ONE-TO-ONE, lists supporting ministries and churches, I am usually reluctant to recommend a particular church because I am aware that the one in search of A church. [...]

Who Is at the Door?

Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: We like to know who is knocking or ringing the doorbell before we open it. That is certainly true now in most neighborhoods. Caution has all but eliminated door to door sales. Nevertheless there remains One who stands at the door and. [...]

Pass the Flame

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2014 Having Faith Means Sharing Faith Her little hand was raised high, arm waving to get my attention. I was visiting with the Second grade at Covenant Christian School in Mobile, Alabama, as I do each week, and it was time to take prayer. [...]

A Matter of Choice

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2014 ...How to Make Good Decisions in Trying Times How much freedom do we have? One measure of freedom is the ability to choose. The more choices, the more freedom. When choices are narrowed, freedom is lost. We do not fully appreciate our freedom. [...]

In a Time of Trouble

Publication:Pastoral Letter, November 2013 Dear Friend in Christ, No one wants trouble, but it is often the instrument that brings us to truth and the rediscovery our foundations. That was the case with King David in Scripture, and was the case with me in late 1970. Late 1970 was a. [...]

Why and How

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2013 Dear Friend in Christ, We've just concluded our annual CSM Leadership Conference in Gatlinburg, TN, and it was a very encouraging time. I was privileged to minister with Bishop Joseph Garlington around the theme of "Why Do You Do What You Do?" While there, I. [...]

At the Foot of the Mountain

Publication: Pastoral Letter, January 2013 Dear Friend in Christ: If you are struggling with unresolved issues or a seeming lack of faith, then I hope that this letter will be for you as we enter into the new year. Most of us fall into one of those categories. The story. [...]

The Blessing of Life

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2012 What Happens When Believers Come Together? Aesop is credited with first saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” Of course, he likely said it in Greek and it probably sounded something like this: Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες έχουμε φτάσει, διαιρείται έχουμε πτώση Now that I. [...]

The Prophetic Journey

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2012 WHERE ARE WE GOING AND HOW CAN WE HELP EACH OTHER GET THERE? Early in my ministry, I spent a lot of time studying and preaching on prophecy. Lately, I have been called back to the subject by the Holy Spirit. I am. [...]

Mercy Amid Judgement

Publication:Pastoral Letter, July 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: I am writing to you about a vital principle and paradox: mercy is revealed in judgment. I'll begin with a story that illustrates that principle: The Lord was angry with Israel because they had resorted back to idolatry while He was giving. [...]

Who Do You Trust?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2012 Dear Friend in Christ, The most vital issue for us is where will we place our trust? Trust is confident assurance that the object of our confidence will perform as expected ... will always do the right thing. It is believing that our confidence will. [...]