Foundations of Faith

From No Way to New Way

Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2004 Dear Friend in Christ: We have access to God, our Heavenly Father, at this very moment. What a reality! Once, there was no way for us and now there is a new and living way (see Hebrews 10:18). We must avail ourselves of this unspeakable. [...]

Taking Action

Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2004 Dear Friends in Christ, Last month, I wrote to you on the subject of preparations. This month I am writing about “action.” The question before us is, what will we do when God reveals Himself to us? When does contemplation and meditation become procrastination? When. [...]

Make It Personal

Publication: Pastoral Letter, December 2003 Dear Friend in Christ: This season reminds us of the wonderful event that happened when God revealed Himself as a person - one of us, yet without sin. John the apostle puts it this way, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).. [...]

Call Them Pearls

Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2003 Dear Friend in Christ, I pray this letter finds you and yours doing well. This month, I want to continue to share with you about people and why the Lord invests so much in seeking and saving those who are lost. What is the value. [...]

The Confession of the Cross

Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2003 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the Name of our Risen Lord! It’s an honor for me to have the opportunity to write to you this month. I appreciate my father’s willingness to allow me to share something with you that has been on my. [...]

His Eye Is on the Sparrow

Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray that your summer is going well so far. This month, I wanted to share with you some thoughts about God’s love. I have tried to write this letter three times, but as I was writing it, something unusual happened. [...]

Handling the Truth

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: In recent letters I have been writing about how we handle, or fail to handle the truth. Our society has muted the prophetic voice in favor of being overly sensitive to people’s feelings. We have gone even further, to the point. [...]

Editing the Word of God?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you and yours doing well. In my last letter to you, I described how the fear of offending has affected the way in which we tell, or do not tell the truth. That politically correct mindset. [...]

Faith Beyond Offense

Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: I trust this letter finds you and yours well. This month and next, I want to share with you something that the Lord has placed strongly on my heart; a subject that I believe is of critical importance to us in. [...]

The Sacred Secret

Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: Who chooses who will be saved? Or who will be filled with the Holy Spirit? These are very relevant questions for us here today. Let me tell you a quick true story: It was 1964, and I had just received the. [...]

Finding the Exit

Publication: Pastoral Letter, February 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! I pray that 2002 has gotten off to a good start for you. In these early months of the year, I want to take the opportunity to discuss some of the issues and. [...]

Trading the Yoke

Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2001 Dear Friend in Christ: I trust you had a wonderful summer! As the “busy-ness” of autumn approaches, I want to share something with you that I pray will encourage you. In this life, we spend a lot of time in an effort to acquire things. [...]