Tag Archives: Gospel

September 2022 – The Harvest is Great

Dear Friend in Christ: “I was overwhelmed by the needs I saw, almost to the point of despair. And then, a miracle happened.” In November of 1991, I made the first of two mission trips to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. The people in each place found a place deep within. [...]

August 2022 – An Indestructible Investment

Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I was having lunch with a close Pastor friend in another city. We were talking about another brother in the Lord, and what a tremendous blessing that brother is to so many people. This pastor friend shared how, more than 25 years ago, the Lord. [...]

When In Rome

Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: We pray all is well with you and yours thus far in 2020. In this letter, I want to give some insights about how we can be bright lights in a dark world. Some may see our circumstances as daunting, but in. [...]

Involved or Inert

Publication:Pastoral Letter, April 2018 Dear Friend in Christ, I pray this letter finds you well and enjoying a blessed Springtime! I believe this Pastoral Letter is especially timely, and trust you will find it inspiring. Let me say that my purpose is not to criticize but to stimulate us to. [...]

Mind Control

Publication:Pastoral Letter,July 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A man walks into a pet store and sees the owner with his finger in the aquarium. “What are you doing?” the man asks. The owner replies, “I am using mind control on these fish; see, they are swimming around my finger.” The. [...]

You Owe the Gospel to Them

    Recently I read that the killer of Kitty Genovese died in prison.  He was 81 years old.  She was 28 years old when he murdered her.  Many of us are not old enough to remember the story, but it made national headlines because neighbors who heard her cries. [...]

Unshakable Christians Shake the World

This year’s testimony of Joseph Bondarenko at the Gatlinburg conference reminded me of Peter and John.  As I listened to Bondarenko describe how the KGB paraded him in front of an assembly of his fellow college students and told him to choose between God and a diploma, I thought of. [...]

Truth Versus Cultural Labels

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: I grew up with lots of labels; there were racial, religious, political, geographic and all kinds of labels and stereotypes.  It has taken me awhile to grow past trusting labels that have led to a lot of stereotypes.  Early on, I. [...]

The Gospel Truth

Publication:Pastoral Letter, November 2015 Dear Friend in Christ: I remember where I was standing on the sidelines as a freshman football player when I heard about Merlin and Billy, who had been my classmates. They were riding to the game not realizing that the tail light on their motor bike. [...]

In Search of Church

Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: People often ask me to recommend a church in their area. While our magazine, ONE-TO-ONE, lists supporting ministries and churches, I am usually reluctant to recommend a particular church because I am aware that the one in search of A church. [...]

Joy Comes in the Morning

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2014 Dear Friend in Christ, It is no newsflash to say that in our world and in our churches, we are in a difficult time in history. Therefore, it is essential that we encourage ourselves and one another in the Lord as David did (see 1. [...]

Not in Word Only

Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: I believe God has a purpose beyond the obvious and we are called to His purpose, not our own. I have thought a lot about our brothers and sisters in Christ who labor in extremely difficult situations and who often demonstrate a. [...]