
Call Them Pearls

Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2003 Dear Friend in Christ, I pray this letter finds you and yours doing well. This month, I want to continue to share with you about people and why the Lord invests so much in seeking and saving those who are lost. What is the value. [...]

Cross the Road?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray that you and yours had a good summer. Everyone here at CSM sends their greetings and their gratitude for your friendship to this ministry. This month, I have a rather unusual story to tell you, and I want to. [...]

Seeing People Clearly

Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! I trust that this letter finds you and yours well. As we come into the latter part of the summertime, I want to share with you some thoughts that I believe will be. [...]

Traveling in Families

Publication:Pastoral letter, March 2001 Dear Friend in Christ: In my letter to you last month, I wrote about “The Road Home.” In this letter, I hope to continue to convey a relational view of Church life that is a purpose-driven pilgrimage together. Many years ago, I sat in my office. [...]

Fonda Finds Peace

Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2000 Dear Friend in Christ: It is being widely reported that Jane Fonda has “found peace among those who have found peace with Jesus.” She has apparently become part of a Christian evangelical church, according to the January 29, 2000 edition of World Magazine. This is. [...]

Our Father in Heaven

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 1999 Dear Friend in Christ! In the years before the birth of Christ, Israel knew God as Eternal, Almighty, Provider, Healer, Shepherd, and Holy Spirit, but not as Father. Jesus came to reveal God as the Eternal Father; the Father of those who receive the Son.. [...]