Go for the Gold

by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2014 Weak and Hungry? You’re in good company! Endurance, persistence, and overcoming are biblical themes lived out by real people with real [...]

By jonathan-simpsonSeptember 1, 2014

Who Is at the Door?

Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: We like to know who is knocking or ringing the doorbell before we open it. That is certainly true now in most neighborhoods. Ca [...]

By charles-simpsonSeptember 1, 2014

Deliverance in the Lion’s Den

Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: Blessings to you, and thanks so much for your friendship and support of this ministry! I trust all is well with you and yours. Th [...]

By stephen-simpsonAugust 1, 2014

Prophesying in the Camp

Publication: Pastoral letter, July 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: Hebrews 13:7 tells us to remember those who spoke the Word of God to us and follow their faith and conduct. What does it mean to s [...]

By charles-simpsonJuly 1, 2014

Transformation through Change

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2014 Dear Friend in Christ, I am writing to discuss with you how to be prepared for change, and how the Lord uses change to change us. Life is continuous chang [...]

By charles-simpsonJune 1, 2014

Joy Comes in the Morning

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2014 Dear Friend in Christ, It is no newsflash to say that in our world and in our churches, we are in a difficult time in history. Therefore, it is essential t [...]

By stephen-simpsonMay 1, 2014

Pass the Flame

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2014 Having Faith Means Sharing Faith Her little hand was raised high, arm waving to get my attention. I was visiting with the Second grade at [...]

By stephen-simpsonApril 1, 2014

A Matter of Choice

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2014 ...How to Make Good Decisions in Trying Times How much freedom do we have? One measure of freedom is the ability to choose. The more choi [...]

By charles-simpsonApril 1, 2014

Seize the Day!…An Interview with John Elefante

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2014 The legendary singer and producer talks about the amazing story behind his powerfully moving song “This Time”, and some of his experienc [...]

By stephen-simpsonApril 1, 2014

Running into God

by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2014 ...Real World Lessons from Jacob's Journey Jacob was a dealmaker who faced the rewards and consequences of his transactions, as we all m [...]

By jonathan-simpsonApril 1, 2014

Change Vision, Change Life

Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2014 Dear Friend in Christ, Want to change? Change what you look at. That is the simple, yet profound, truth. This is biblical, historical, and for all of us, [...]

By charles-simpsonApril 1, 2014


Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I traveled to California where I ministered to Armenians and Iranians alongside my dear friend, “Brother Luke”. Luke [...]

By charles-simpsonMarch 1, 2014