Tag Archives: strength

Accusation, Vindication, and Promotion

Publication:Pastoral Letter, March 2020 Dear Friends, We live in a culture of accusation; false charges intended to bring harm and destruction to others.  This problem has existed since the Garden of Eden when the enemy of God and of us accused God to Eve. While it is not new, it. [...]

Where are You?

Publication:Pastoral Letter, October 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you and your loved ones are well! This month, I want to look at some vital questions about how to locate where we are in life and in our walk with the Lord, Who is our source for life. No. [...]

It Is Written

Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: In these beginning weeks of 2019, the Lord has reminded me of the power of His Word. We hear a lot today about “Fake News”, and there certainly is a lot of that coming at us non-stop from so many different directions.. [...]

Ride the Wild Surf!

Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you had a wonderful Summer! Thank you so much for your friendship, support, and prayer for this ministry. This month, I want to share something with you that I pray will encourage you during these tumultuous times. Is it possible. [...]

Good or Evil

Publication:Pastoral Letter, May 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: I enjoy tending the shrubbery in our back yard which blooms and brings beauty into our lives. The shrubbery is good and beautiful. But I have noticed that sometimes an evil, thorny vine will grow up right in the middle of a. [...]

The Heart Test

Publication:Pastoral Letter,November 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: We really do not know ourselves until we are tested, when it is “crunch time”; what we do when the odds are against us and the stakes are high. The sports world applauds a team or individual who is down but does not. [...]

Keys to Spiritual Strength in 2015

Publication: Pastoral Letter, January 2015 Dear Friend in Christ: Happy New Year! I trust you and your family have had a very blessed Christmas season. We deeply appreciate your friendship and support. I have just completed reading Endurance by Alfred Lansing. The book was given to me by Frank Eaton,. [...]

The Power of Perspective

Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2007 Dear Friend in Christ: You may or may not need this letter today, but keep it handy! All of us will be tested at some point in life, and how you view the test will make all the difference. Perspective may cause you to react. [...]

Where to Find Strength When Times are Tough

Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: This past Father’s Day, our sons and their wives took Carolyn and I to dinner. (Our daughter Charlyn and her husband Enrique are in Costa Rica.) It was enjoyable to be with family. We sat at the table and talked for. [...]

Courage or Comfort?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you well and having a blessed summer. I recently returned from a significant time of ministry in Siberia, the Netherlands, and Belgium, where I ministered to many leaders. It was an intense two-week trip with Goos. [...]

Lord of the Storm

Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2004 Dear Friend in Christ: I have been writing these monthly Pastoral Letters for nearly twenty years. My purpose is to draw life from where I am, and to share life with you where you are. I receive many responses that encourage me. I am grateful. [...]