by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2006 A FIRST HAND REPORT OF ECONOMIC REVIVAL AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SHEPHERDS The “White Eagle” is Poland's oldest national symbol dating back over 1,000 years; it also graces the national coat of arms. Legend has it that Lech, an early founder and Slavic tribe. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2006 ... HOW TO REACH “THE UNREACHABLE” BY GETTING OUT OF THE BOX We are privileged to live in the most prolific hour of the "mission" of Jesus' followers in history. However, much of the amazing expansion of the Gospel witness is coming in. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2006 YOUR MISSION, SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT, IS… In nearly 37 years of publishing, we have been privileged to work with many dedicated employees. Some of them are especially memorable. For instance, I will always appreciate the opportunity I had to work. [...]
by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2006 HOW TO OVERCOME ALIENATION AND BRING HEALING TO INDIVIDUALS…AND TO THE NATIONS The need for reconciliation applies wherever alienation exists. We cannot know the blessing of reconciliation until we have known the bitterness of alienation. Alienation is a wound not healed, a loss. [...]
by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2006 IT’S NOT JUST WHAT YOU LEARN, BUT WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU LEARN! As we approach this time of year, we look ahead to graduation season for millions of students. Graduations come in many forms; sometimes from school, and sometimes through other. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2006 ... A POSITIVE, PROACTIVE WORD FROM BEHIND THE LINES Many of you are aware that International Outreach Ministries has helped to launch an amazing Arabic language website. Did you know that we had 51,000 new visitors to our website in January? Since there. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 ONE ANCIENT ROADMAP STILL POINTS THE WAY As my friends know, I enjoy “strange-but-true” news headlines. One of my favorites from years ago is, “PEACE ACTIVISTS RIOT.” Ah, yes, there’s nothing like a little bit of pacifism to finally drive one over the. [...]
by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 OTHERS CAN’T GIVE IT – OTHERS CAN’T TAKE IT AWAY Political leaders promise peace and prosperity because that is what almost all of us want. Peace is the foundation for prosperity, and when peace is taken from us, resources are diverted for survival,. [...]
by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 THE REWARDS OF BUDGETING AND STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR YOUR BUSINESS If fiscal year and calendar year are the same cycle in your business, 2007's budget planning process might well be at hand for you. Pat yourself on the back if you've already dealt. [...]
by Gary Henley Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 ...HOW TO COMPLETE THE GREAT COMMISSION WITH JOY God’s response to the need of humanity is a wonderful fragrance both in heaven and earth. The apostle Paul wrote, "Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 OUR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF IS A PIONEER AND PASTOR WHOSE PROPHETIC VISION HAS BROUGHT WORLDWIDE BLESSINGS It seems like yesterday when I was writing an editorial about my father’s fortieth anniversary in Gospel ministry, but another amazing decade has passed. In December of 2005, Rev.. [...]
by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 A PROPHETIC LOOK AT THE DESTINY OF THE CHURCH “Where is the church going?” “What do you see happening?” Sometimes I get asked these questions, perhaps because I travel and visit many churches. I always answer, “Lots of different things are happening.” There. [...]