Celebrating 60 Years of Ministry!

Charles_young At the age of 18, Charles Simpson committed his life to ministry. The year was 1955, and it would prove to be a history-making decision. His early years as a minister were spent in rural gatherings, rescue missions, and even a church start-up in a bar. By 1957, he had been ordained as Pastor of a struggling small Southern Baptist Church; things would change dramatically in just a few short years.

In 1969, he was asked to be a contributing writer for a new magazine that would focus on sound Bible teaching for people who were experiencing a fresh worldwide move of the Holy Spirit. As a pioneering publication for what became known as the Charismatic Renewal, this magazine, New Wine, was a potent, influential, and beneficial resource dedicated to Christian Growth.

During the next seventeen years, Charles wrote and served alongside other notable Bible teachers on the Board of Directors for New Wine, including Don Basham, Ern Baxter, Bob Mumford and Derek Prince. The magazine became noted for its seminal teaching on prayer, spiritual warfare, worship, discipleship, family life, church growth and structure, and many other emphases that were picked up by a broad diversity of streams within the Charismatic movement and larger body of Christ. At its peak, New Wine was being sent to more than 140 nations, and had many spin-off publications, translations, audio and video products, and live events.

However, by the mid-1980s, cultural and relational currents were changing. Within the publishing company, new charles_new_wine directions and resources were being birthed. In 1985, out of a strong ongoing emphasis on praise and worship, New Wine launched Integrity Media, led by Michael Coleman, which eventually became the largest praise and worship music company in the world with it’s Hosanna! Music line and many other recordings. (Brother Charles served on Integrity’s Board of Directors from 1985 to 2011, until Integrity Media became part of the David C. Cook Company.)

A decision was reached to cease publication of New Wine at the end of 1986, and a new magazine was launched in early 1987 called Christian Conquest, under the new moniker of Charles Simpson Ministries & CSM Publishing. Christian Conquest continued the strong emphasis on Bible teaching with a focus on “Equipping You for Action!” Editor Stephen Simpson and the publishing team earned awards early on for publishing excellence, and the magazine enjoyed contributions from Ern Baxter, Joseph Garlington, Kenneth Copeland, and many other Charismatic leaders.

charles_radio_showCharles Simpson launched a nationwide radio broadcast called “Challenge with Charles Simpson” that was heard in 22 cites, and the first editions of a landmark Bible Study curriculum, The Covenant & the Kingdom, were published. After two years, the broadcast was retired in order to focus more energy and resources on the curriculum, which was combined in one volume in 1995 and has been translated into Chinese, Russian, Telegu (India) and other languages.

In 1998, Brother Charles and the CSM staff entered a season of deep prayer and seeking God. Out of that time came the very clear understanding that the Lord had a strong heart for people who were lost, hurting, and “outside”. And, He was renewing His call for every believer to personally go and preach the Gospel and make disciples. The sense of urgency for the CSM team was so great that the magazine was re-named One-to-One, to reflect the emphasis on “Extending the kingdom of God … one person at a time.”

A series of booklets on how to lead others to faith in Jesus and start small groups dedicated to outreach were written by Charles Simpson and distributed through CSM. As believers became more excited and motivated to share their faith, many people came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

CSM also began sponsoring annual leadership gatherings in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, that would combine specific teaching with worship, prayer, fellowship, golf, and relaxation with spiritual family, all in a mountain retreat atmosphere. For more information on the next leadership gathering, click here.

Today, Charles Simpson and Stephen Simpson continue to write, travel in ministry, and network with other strategic ministries.

How can we sum up our history, and what is our direction for the future? We believe our mission is best expressed this way: “Embracing the truth with our lives.” In an age of confusion and challenge, there is a great hunger for clarity and courage. We believe that we are called to stay rooted in the Bible, to listen to God’s Holy Spirit, and prophetically declare what we hear Him saying in this generation.

For more on our mission, please click here.