Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: I want to address what I believe is the number one issue now for churches and all followers of Christ: spreading the Gospel through personal testimonies and in personal relationships, which is the biblical way. The model for this statement can. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, January 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray that you will have a blessed 2012! It will be a critical year and we need to be alert to the Holy Spirit who calls us to be more than conquerors through the One who loves us. It shouldn’t be. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, December 2004 Dear Friend in Christ: We have wonderful and urgent news to share...Jesus Christ is Lord over all the earth, and He shall reign forever and ever! The implications of His Kingdom rule must be declared boldly on every continent, in every nation, to every tribe. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, December 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: This is a joyful season for us, and we pray that it will be for you and yours. Nothing in all history approaches the great blessings of Jesus’ entrance into the world. It is no wonder the angels sang, “Joy to. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, February 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! I pray that 2002 has gotten off to a good start for you. In these early months of the year, I want to take the opportunity to discuss some of the issues and. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, July 2000 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the name of our Lord! I trust that Summer is going well for you and yours. This month, I want to share a principle I pray will be a blessing to you and to those around you. A recent book. [...]