Dear Friend in Christ: Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I seek to unfold what I believe the Lord is saying to me now as it is very consequential to know how we respond to our current culture. Ephesians 4:15 teaches us that we grow up. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, March 2020 Dear Friends, We live in a culture of accusation; false charges intended to bring harm and destruction to others. This problem has existed since the Garden of Eden when the enemy of God and of us accused God to Eve. While it is not new, it. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are having a blessed Summer! I believe that life is defined by our response to God, His Word, and His Son, Jesus. We are accountable for that choice. That choice will determine the choices we make throughout life. In. [...]
I realize the title of this blog runs across the grain of what many say about how we are to relate to the lost. There’s a misconception of Jesus that says he made friends of sinners. It sounds cool. But we need to be clear what we mean when we. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2011 Dear Friend in Christ: What is it that we have built our lives upon? What are our core values that motivate us regardless of circumstance? Should there be another great harvest, and I believe that there will be, what should new followers of Jesus build. [...]