Seven Questions and Seven Answers

Matt 16: 24–27 “Follow Me”

Seven Questions

1) If salvation comes by repenting, believing and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord, what does it mean to “believe”? Is it a creed or does it mean to act upon His Word?
2) Jesus walked the Earth 2000 years ago; is He here now and can we actually follow Him?
3) Is following believing who He is or is it actually going somewhere with Him?
4) If he is here in the Holy Spirit, and even IN us, has He changed from who He was and what He did 2000 years ago?
5) If we are His Body, does He want to do through us now what He did then?
6) Can we be his Body alone or do we need to be closely joined to others who will follow Him with us?
7) What changes must (we) I make in order be a Believer who follows?

Seven Answers
1) We must die to ourselves to the extent that personal consequence are no longer an issue when He is taking us somewhere.
2) Following will require focus on Him, the Holy Spirit our Guide, so that we do not lose sight of Him amid the distractions. (There are many!)
3) Following will require change in order to keep up with His purpose.
Think of Peter’s challenge to go to Cornelius or Paul’s going to Macedonia .
4) True disciples are called to be fishers of men. (Mark 1:17) Fishermen
have to go where the fish are. They are not in the house or front yard.
5) How did Jesus “fish”? He ate with sinners, healed the sick and forgave sin. If He is in us……( John14:12)
6) Jesus did His work with His disciples; he showed them how to do it. Then He commanded them to love one another as He loved them and gave His life for them. He sent them out together . We need “fishing buddies”.
7) In order to do what He is calling us to be and to do , we need a fresh sense of our continual and ultimate accountability to Him.( Matt 25)


Sometimes people ask me what I think that The Lord is saying . I can only answer as to what He is saying to me. ” Get out beyond where you are. The “fish” are in deeper waters.”
I am praying that The Lord will move us out of the “theatre” into following.

About the Author:

Charles Simpson

Charles Simpson is an internationally-known author, Bible teacher, and pastor, serving in ministry since 1955. He is also Editor-in-Chief of One-to-One Magazine and ministers extensively throughout the United States and the nations.