Pastoral Letter

Pastor's Charles Simpson and Stephen Simpson write a monthly Pastoral Letter, and just like One-To-One Magazine, it is freely sent to those on our mailing list. These timely and personal letters are fresh teachings that offer encouragement and reflect what God is currently speaking to their heart. Quite often we receive more feedback from this media than from anything else we publish. We have archived these letters here for our online readers. We trust they will minister to you.

author   Stephen_simpson

October 2023 Sparty’s Last Ride

Publication:, Tuesday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: This month, I want to open Scripture and my heart about unconditional love and presence. To do so, I want to talk a little bit about our family dog, Sparty, who sadly passed away a few days ago at age 13 after a wonderful life. Can. […]

September 2023-Back to the Book

Publication:, Tuesday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I had breakfast with my good friends Ronnie Head and Pastor Terry Ragsdale (Grand Bay Community Church, Grand Bay, Alabama). Ron is the founder of Head’s Heating and Air Conditioning and is considered a “guru” of heating and air in our part of the world.. […]

August 2023 – This is My Story

Publication:, Monday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
THIS IS MY STORY Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you and yours well—and staying cool! Mobile in August is like a steamy hot sauna. I try to remind myself that some folks pay good money to experience what we get for free! This month, I am. […]

JULY 2023 – Diagnosis

Publication:, Monday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: When facing sickness or disease, how serious is proper and early diagnosis? For many people in many cases, it is matter of life or death. My dear and beautiful wife passed away due to a faulty diagnosis. The true diagnosis came too late at stage 4. […]

JUNE 2023 – Restoring the Generational Bridge

Publication:, Tuesday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: My purpose in this letter is to share with you what the Lord has placed on my heart. I was recently sitting with four pastors and two of them were pastoring churches begun by their fathers. One of the pastors had recently lost his father. One. […]

MAY 2023 – Turning the World Upside Down

Publication:, Monday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  My Grandpa Simpson used to tell a funny story about an old country veterinarian who was called out to a farm to tend to a sick horse.  He decided the horse needed a. […]

APRIL 2023 – Hosanna to the King

Publication:, Thursday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: I trust you and your loved ones are doing well. You are often in our prayers here at CSM.  Here in Alabama, Spring has come, with all of its beauty, and also storms. It’s a good time for re-evaluating priorities, cleaning up, and preparing for the. […]

March 2023 – When Revival Comes

Publication:, Wednesday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: In recent weeks, we’ve been receiving thrilling reports of a genuine move of the Holy Spirit happening on the campus of Asbury University in Kentucky, and spreading across many other college campuses.  Our response at CSM has been to rejoice and re-commit to praying for these. […]

February 2023 – Return to Your First Love

Publication:, Friday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: John, the beloved friend and disciple of Jesus, had faithfully preached the Gospel for many years after Jesus ascended into heaven. He was finally exiled to the small Mediterranean island of Patmos. While John is there in prayer, the Lord Jesus appears to John in a. […]

January 2023 – Battles and Blessings

Publication:, Sunday 2023
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: I pray that you have a very blessed New Year! As we begin 2023, I want to share some personal testimonies and insights with you, which I trust will encourage you in the season ahead. Battles and blessings do not appear to belong in the same. […]

December 2022 – Christmas at the Hiway Host

Publication:, Monday 2022
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: What makes this time truly wonderful is not really all of the lights and decorations and parties … it is that each of us has the renewed opportunity to receive Jesus and His miraculous gifts of salvation, acceptance, and joy. In my life, I’ve been blessed. […]

November 2022 – My Thanksgiving In Moscow

Publication:, Thursday 2022
Dear Friend in Christ:
Dear Friend in Christ: In my September 2022 Pastoral Letter, I shared with you a miracle that happened when I visited Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus in the former Soviet Union in late 1991. On that mission journey, the Holy Spirit profoundly wrote these words of Jesus upon my heart: “Then. […]

Pastoral Letter Archive