Publication:, Thursday 2007
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, February 2007 Dear Friend in Christ: An imprisoned Victor Frankel stated that the last freedom that we have is the freedom to choose our attitude. The apostle Paul said essentially the same when he said, “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).. […]
Publication:, Monday 2007
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, January 2007 Dear Friend in Christ: On behalf of our whole CSM Team, I want to tell you Happy New Year! I pray that you and your loved ones had a most blessed Christmas season. We live in very significant times. It is imperative that we discern. […]
Publication:, Friday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, December 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: Our son Stephen and daughter-in-law Susanne have been asking Carolyn and me to take their daughter_our granddaughter, Grace_to see the bayous of South Louisiana where my father and mother did mission work in the 1930s. And, I have been wanting to. […]
Publication:, Wednesday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: This letter is about a prophecy given by a father, who was about to die, to one of his 12 sons. The prophecy was given approximately 3800 years ago and is still relevant to all of us. Here is what he. […]
Publication:, Sunday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: One of my favorite sources of humor is a book entitled, Anguished English, by Richard Lederer, a college professor. In the book, he tells a story about a mother who wrote an absence excuse for her daughter. “Please excuse Harriett for. […]
Publication:, Friday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: I grew up in a small, South Alabama community that could be grouped in several ways: White or black, wealthy or not, going to church or not. As a pastor’s son, I was especially aware of the latter group. Many church-going. […]
Publication:, Tuesday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: On behalf of the whole CSM team, I want to share with you greetings and gratitude for your friendship and support. In this letter, I am going to share with you some important news, some testimonies, some Scripture…and I am going. […]
Publication:, Saturday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: My Dad was hearing impaired_all of his life. He was born with an inactive nerve in one ear. When he wanted to go to sleep, he simply turned his good ear to the pillow. But, I never knew him to be. […]
Publication:, Thursday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: I am writing this letter from Houston, Texas, where my wife, Carolyn, is a patient at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. She is currently in a trial program due to a return of her cancer. She is feeling well with no symptoms,. […]
Publication:, Monday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: My sister, Carolyn Rodman, recently sent me a quote from a six-year-old who said, “My grandmother lives at the airport. When we want her to visit our house, we go there and get her. When we are done with her visit,. […]
Publication:, Wednesday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: I heard a message a few years ago by my friend C.J. Mahaney: “Keep the main thing the main thing.” He spoke about staying focused on the Gospel. It is easy to get lost in the complexities of life and lose. […]
Publication:, Wednesday 2006
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: We have all seen someone change because they fell in love with a girl, a guy, a goal, or even a game. Love has the power to cause us to change. The love of country or freedom has caused many people. […]