Pastoral Letter

Pastor's Charles Simpson and Stephen Simpson write a monthly Pastoral Letter, and just like One-To-One Magazine, it is freely sent to those on our mailing list. These timely and personal letters are fresh teachings that offer encouragement and reflect what God is currently speaking to their heart. Quite often we receive more feedback from this media than from anything else we publish. We have archived these letters here for our online readers. We trust they will minister to you.

author   Stephen_simpson

Who Owns the Gold

Publication:, Saturday 2000
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, January 2000 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the name of the Lord of all ages! I pray that this new millennium will witness His glory in all the earth, and that we can witness to all mankind that He is Lord! I am writing this letter. […]

Lessons from Psalm 27

Publication:, Wednesday 1999
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: I trust that this letter finds you and yours well. We are in a most significant season as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus and as we come into a new millennium. Now, more than ever, we need. […]

Pillars of Truth

Publication:, Monday 1999
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope you will receive this letter as a personal one, and that it will reinforce the foundation of your life. What I will write is an expression of my own life’s message. THE PARABLE - THE FOUNDATION Matthew 7:24-27 records. […]

How Do You Measure Love?

Publication:, Friday 1999
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope you are well this month. In this letter, I want to share about a word that is much misunderstood in our modern society: the word is “love”. Words are the currency of culture. What I mean by that is. […]

Finding Security in Changing Times

Publication:, Wednesday 1999
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: The next six months will be very significant; we are facing both a century change and a millennial change. The debates are well underway as to just how much change there will be. Some say none - others say that the. […]

Seeking the Seekers

Publication:, Sunday 1999
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: This month, I want to share something that is strongly on my heart, and I believe is a word from the Lord to all of us. I also want to share some important news. I hope that you are having a. […]

One Nation Under God

Publication:, Thursday 1999
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you and yours doing well. This month, I want to share from my heart concerning the United States. I trust our readers in other nations will bear with me and remember the U. S. in their. […]

Our Father in Heaven

Publication:, Tuesday 1999
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 1999 Dear Friend in Christ! In the years before the birth of Christ, Israel knew God as Eternal, Almighty, Provider, Healer, Shepherd, and Holy Spirit, but not as Father. Jesus came to reveal God as the Eternal Father; the Father of those who receive the Son.. […]

Pastoral Letter Archive