Translating Worldview into World Mission

by Stephen Simpson
Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2011

“When you look at the world / What is it that you see

People find all kinds of things / That bring them to their knees”

– from When I Look at the Worldby U2*

We all have a certain way of looking at the world around us, based upon our experiences, our values, and our particular vantage point. Also, we are often prone to see events through the prism of immediate circumstances or emotions.

How we see and understand the world is of vital importance, because it determines our attitudes and actions … what we think, speak, and do every day. Having our worldview shaped first and foremost by a living relationship to God and the timeless truths in His Word is truly a matter of life and death, for us, and for those we encounter.

The world in which we live is not static; it is dynamic, even volatile. The changes we have witnessed in the past few weeks, particularly in the Middle East, seem swift and stunning, though they have been brewing and stewing for decades. To have a clear perspective on “orderly history” is difficult enough, but to see clearly in the heat and fog of change is impossible, apart from the wisdom that comes from the Lord.

What we are witnessing is so unprecedented in our lifetimes that we cannot even adequately describe or under­stand what it is that we are witnessing. And the consequences of these events will be playing out for decades to come, for better or for worse.

One thing is certain: no one reading this will be unaffected.

Months ago, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we began to plan for our annual CSM Leadership Conference in Gatlinburg, TN, around the theme, “Translating Worldview into World Mission.” We did not realize at the time just how significant and relevant this theme would be for this moment now.

Likewise, the line-up of speakers represents God’s Sovereign wisdom and direction. DR. NORMAN GEISLER, one of the premier teachers of Biblical Worldview and Apologetics in our generation, will be with us in Gatlinburg, as well as our good friend, RAY CIERVO, who has been mentored by Dr. Geisler. Each of these men is exceptionally well-equipped biblically to provide insights on foundations that will withstand the great world shaking now happening; to inspire us to declare life-saving truth in a world infected with self-destructive relativism.

We will also hear from LUKE YEGHNAZAR, a courageous apostolic leader who ministers extensively in the Middle East, including in Iran. Luke has some amazing stories of God’s faithfulness being demonstrated among oppressed and persecuted people groups. He has a unique perspective on current events that transcends the news, bringing hope and insight concerning Christ’s Kingdom. CHARLES SIMPSON rounds out the stellar line-up of featured speakers. His recent teaching has focused on preparing for “the age to come” … how and where to invest in Kingdom soil.

In addition to these speakers, we will also enjoy deep and rich times of praise and worship, led by DON POYTHRESS, JIM LAVERDE, and the Worship Team from Abundant Life Church in Mt. Juliet, TN.

This conference will equip and encourage you for the times in which we live … to not simply “hold out until Jesus comes,” but to boldly extend His Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. We look forward to being together with you!

*words and music by Larry Mullen, Jr., Adam Clayton, Bono, The Edge

About the Author:

Stephen Simpson

STEPHEN SIMPSON is the Editor of One-to-One Magazine and the Director of CSM Publishing. In addition to publishing ministry, Stephen has served in leadership for churches and ministries in Costa Rica, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, and Michigan, as well as being the Senior Pastor of Covenant Church of Mobile (2004-2013). He continues to travel in ministry across North America and in other nations.