Tag Archives: WEAKNESS

October 2024 – Relentless Redeemer

Dear Friend in Christ: Have you ever been betrayed by someone close to you? Most people would answer, “yes.” A much harder question would be, “Have you ever betrayed someone close to you?” The tragic truth is most people have but would never admit it. Certainly, most of us can. [...]

November 2023 The Lord is My Light

Dear Friend in Christ: Grace and peace to you. These blessings seem all the more precious to us in these days. There is no need for me to give a recitation of the grim news headlines, but if there was ever a time in my lifetime where we need a. [...]

August 2023 – This is My Story

THIS IS MY STORY Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you and yours well—and staying cool! Mobile in August is like a steamy hot sauna. I try to remind myself that some folks pay good money to experience what we get for free! This month, I am. [...]

JULY 2023 – Diagnosis

Dear Friend in Christ: When facing sickness or disease, how serious is proper and early diagnosis? For many people in many cases, it is matter of life or death. My dear and beautiful wife passed away due to a faulty diagnosis. The true diagnosis came too late at stage 4. [...]

Go for the Gold

by Jonathan Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2014 Weak and Hungry? You’re in good company! Endurance, persistence, and overcoming are biblical themes lived out by real people with real weaknesses, who hungered for much more than sustaining a lifestyle. Our work is intended to be part of God’s unfolding plan, yet. [...]

Riding The Donkey

Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2000 Dear Friend in Christ: I am writing about one of the most profound keys to divine favor - humility. It is a key that I have often lost, but whenever I have found it, doors opened into the Lord’s Kingdom. David said, “The humble shall hear. [...]

By charles-simpson September 1, 2000 Categories: Pastoral Letters Spiritual Growth