Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2007 Dear Friend in Christ: Consistency turns a virtue into a habit and habits are who we are. Sometimes we yank at what we want_a short “jerk” at life. At other times we give a consistent enduring pull. If you “yank” on a rope tied to. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: We have all seen someone change because they fell in love with a girl, a guy, a goal, or even a game. Love has the power to cause us to change. The love of country or freedom has caused many people. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, February 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I did a Bible Study on the word “heart.” I was impressed by the many hundreds of references and the biblical significance of the word. In this letter I want to express some of the vital truth regarding that topic. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2003 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in Jesus’ name! Everyone here at CSM sends their love and gratitude to you for your prayer and friendship, and we pray that you and yours are having a blessed and enjoyable summer thus far. This month, I want to. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: In recent letters I have been writing about how we handle, or fail to handle the truth. Our society has muted the prophetic voice in favor of being overly sensitive to people’s feelings. We have gone even further, to the point. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you and yours doing well. In my last letter to you, I described how the fear of offending has affected the way in which we tell, or do not tell the truth. That politically correct mindset. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2002 Dear Friend in Christ: I trust this letter finds you and yours well. This month and next, I want to share with you something that the Lord has placed strongly on my heart; a subject that I believe is of critical importance to us in. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2001 Dear Friend in Christ: The human tendency in regard to history seems to be that we either forget it, rewrite it, or so embellish it with unreality that it is unrecognizable. The postmodern mind seems to toss it out altogether as being useless for our. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2001 Dear Friend in Christ: The question I want to ask in this letter is, “How can we build lives that will affect history? To answer that question I will turn our attention to Jesus Christ. Jesus was unique in nature, authority, and power. Yet, He. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2000 Dear Friend in Christ: I am writing about one of the most profound keys to divine favor - humility. It is a key that I have often lost, but whenever I have found it, doors opened into the Lord’s Kingdom. David said, “The humble shall hear. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2000 Dear Friend in Christ: Age and open-heart surgery have focused my attention more on eternal issues, and less on temporal issues that once consumed my thoughts. Even as I think more about eternal issues, it seems that our society is becoming more focused on trivial circumstantial. [...]