Tag Archives: the Great Commission

The Word, the World, the Future

Publication:Pastoral Letter, April 2013 Dear Friend in Christ, Thank you for giving me the privilege of expressing my heart to you each month. Writing to you helps me examine my own heart, hear the Lord, and try to obey. I do not always expect full agreement for all of the. [...]

Real Results

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2009 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you are doing well. This is my third and final letter on the topic of “Real Revival,” and this month, we are focusing on “Real Results.” I have described revival as a Sovereign move of the Holy Spirit that. [...]

Grandma Lives at the Airport

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: My sister, Carolyn Rodman, recently sent me a quote from a six-year-old who said, “My grandmother lives at the airport. When we want her to visit our house, we go there and get her. When we are done with her visit,. [...]