Tag Archives: Satan

Self-Denial: Not the Same as Denying Yourself

[Part 8] The third and final temptation of Christ in the wilderness was a blatant appeal to self-exaltation.  Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would just worship him.  Jesus replied, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and. [...]

By michael-peters August 16, 2016 Categories: Blog

Facing Temptations through the Worldview of Christ

[Part 5] Blind spots make us vulnerable.  Cars come with cameras now to show what’s behind you and mirrors have been enlarged to show what’s on your side.  Cameras and mirrors are there to provide sight to blind spots in order to avoid accidents. Unless we see the world through. [...]

By michael-peters August 1, 2016 Categories: Blog