August 2024 Â Â LEARN TO DISCERN Â Dear Friend in Christ: Â A few years ago, a slick mobster from New York was running a counterfeit money operation. However, when the money came back from the printer, the mobster was horrified to see that almost $1 million had been. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: I cannot think of a more important subject for this time than TRUTH. It is vital for each of us to ask these four questions regarding truth:Â Can I be deceived? Have I been deceived? What are the consequences of deception?. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: The Biggest Loser is a NBC reality show that features very overweight men and women who are interviewed and, if qualified, enter a rigorous fitness and weight-loss program. They go to a ranch and are trained by professionals who confront them with. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2010 Dear Friend in Christ: If you do not have to struggle with it, it probably isn’t the truth. The truth is a friend who will both confront and conquer us, if we love it more than ourselves. Pontius Pilate asked “What is Truth?” as Jesus. [...]
by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2008 HOW TO DISCERN AND INVEST WISELY DURING TRYING TIMES AND GREAT OPPORTUNITIES Thyssen-Krupp is a Germans firm investing billions of dollars to build a steel plant near Mobile, AL. They will employ 2700 people, and this will create hundreds of other jobs in. [...]