Dear Friend in Christ: In my September 2022 Pastoral Letter, I shared with you a miracle that happened when I visited Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus in the former Soviet Union in late 1991. On that mission journey, the Holy Spirit profoundly wrote these words of Jesus upon my heart: “Then. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: “I was overwhelmed by the needs I saw, almost to the point of despair. And then, a miracle happened.” In November of 1991, I made the first of two mission trips to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. The people in each place found a place deep within. [...]
Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I was having lunch with a close Pastor friend in another city. We were talking about another brother in the Lord, and what a tremendous blessing that brother is to so many people. This pastor friend shared how, more than 25 years ago, the Lord. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,June 2017 I pray you are having a great Summer thus far! Whatever time or season we are in, I’m thankful for God’s Sovereign grace and the leadership of His Holy Spirit, and also for your friendship to this ministry. You are unique; the Lord Himself created you with. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,May 2017 Dear Friend in Christ, I am writing this letter during Easter weekend; of course, you are receiving it a few weeks later. But, as I’ve been meditating on Jesus’ Resurrection, I am struck by how timely these truths always will be. The Cross and the Resurrection are. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter,April 2017 Dear Friend in Christ: A few days ago I attended a funeral; it was my second one that day. The first one I conducted for an 85-year-old woman that I had known since 1957. She had Alzheimer’s and had been prepared for her passing. The second funeral. [...]
Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: As Christmas approaches I am happy to celebrate the greatest event in human history, the entrance of the Son of God into the world. He is the Word made flesh and the fulfillment of the words of the prophets. What does all. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: People often ask me to recommend a church in their area. While our magazine, ONE-TO-ONE, lists supporting ministries and churches, I am usually reluctant to recommend a particular church because I am aware that the one in search of A church. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2014 Dear Friend in Christ, It is no newsflash to say that in our world and in our churches, we are in a difficult time in history. Therefore, it is essential that we encourage ourselves and one another in the Lord as David did (see 1. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2014 Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I traveled to California where I ministered to Armenians and Iranians alongside my dear friend, “Brother Luke”. Luke is the son of a Christian pioneer in Iran, and a brother to siblings who are all in the ministry. He is. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2013 Dear Friend in Christ, We've just concluded our annual CSM Leadership Conference in Gatlinburg, TN, and it was a very encouraging time. I was privileged to minister with Bishop Joseph Garlington around the theme of "Why Do You Do What You Do?" While there, I. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2012 Dear Friend in Christ: It is decision time; no, not political decisions, but spiritual decisions. It is a time of decision not only for the lost non-believer, but for the Church - those who call themselves Christians. And what is our decision about? It is. [...]