Tag Archives: fruit

July 2024 – The Battle Belongs to the Lord – Part 2

THE BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD — PART TWO Dear Friend in Christ: Happy July! This month, we’re continuing our journey through 2 Chronicles 20 on the theme, “The Battle Belongs to the Lord.” Last month, we were reminded that anytime we try to do the right thing, our spiritual. [...]

Good or Evil

Publication:Pastoral Letter, May 2018 Dear Friend in Christ: I enjoy tending the shrubbery in our back yard which blooms and brings beauty into our lives. The shrubbery is good and beautiful. But I have noticed that sometimes an evil, thorny vine will grow up right in the middle of a. [...]

The Power of Revelation

Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2010 Dear Friend in Christ: I recently had a conversation with a noted professor who said, “Every pastor that I know is discouraged.” I also know discouraged leaders, but I want to address the answer, which is relevant to all of us. Twice in 2 Corinthians. [...]

Is There Not a Cause?

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2008 YOUNG PEOPLE ARE DYING – HERE’S WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT When young David saw the vicious giant Goliath taunting the army of Israel, and saw the Israelites cowering in terror, his heart was stirred with godly anger. He valiantly challenged the. [...]

Beyond Walls

Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: This letter is about a prophecy given by a father, who was about to die, to one of his 12 sons. The prophecy was given approximately 3800 years ago and is still relevant to all of us. Here is what he. [...]

Keys to Fruitfulness

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2003 Dear Friend in Christ: In my last letter, I discussed the difference between viewing the Church as a circle and viewing it as a vine. In this letter, I want to pursue the vine analogy that Jesus gives us in John chapter 15, and how. [...]