Tag Archives: fatherhood

Shelter in the Storm

by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2009 ...FULFILLING OUR CALL IN THIS GENERATION The wind-whipped gray mist enveloped our boat and danced with the salty spray blown from the tops of chocolate-colored waves. Shallow Mobile Bay was being roiled by a wild waterspout and we were right in the middle. [...]

Bringing Sons to Glory

Publication: Pastoral Letter, January 2008 Dear Friend in Christ: I recently attended a memorial service for a woman who had been a teacher for many years.One of those who brought the eulogy was a woman who had become a vital Christian and a very successful performer. Her remarks concerned the. [...]

By charles-simpson January 1, 2008 Categories: Leadership Pastoral Letters

The Family Multiplies

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2006   Churches rejoice in additions; God rejoices in multiplication. While churches to seek to add members, the non-Christian world--especially the Islamic world--is multiplying. How are they doing this? Families are having children--lots of children. The West meanwhile has de-emphasized family, having children, and. [...]

Our Father in Heaven

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 1999 Dear Friend in Christ! In the years before the birth of Christ, Israel knew God as Eternal, Almighty, Provider, Healer, Shepherd, and Holy Spirit, but not as Father. Jesus came to reveal God as the Eternal Father; the Father of those who receive the Son.. [...]